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Everything posted by StopItHurts

  1. I joined today! I'm right here if you want to ask me anything !
  2. Thank you for the postitive words and informing me I was being discussed on this forum. Hope to see you again soon!
  3. I would like to meet you! Contact me and we can discuss whatever you like. We can meet up for coffee if you want something low pressure. Also I'm not sure if you know this but I have 30 all 5 star reviews on my profile. So if you're going to put your faith in one person who complained, one who was ambivalent, vs about 30 who adore me enough to publicly state it that's your prerogative. I'm just asking you to give me a chance 😀 you might just be surprised with what you find.
  4. Thank you for meeting up with me, I'm not exactly sure who you are but if you would like to we can discuss this matter further. In response to your post - I do not have any issues with getting hard provided the person I am with is hygienic, respectful, and makes me feel safe, turned on, and comfortable with my surroundings and situation. I consider myself a neutral person who tries to find something attractive in everyone that I meet. However some people I just cannot get along with. My information is public and rarely I meet up with the wrong type of people. Some of them are ignorant, racist, arrogant, criminals, liars, drug addicts, etc. They ask me to do things I am not willing to do and as a professional I ignore them and continue to make the time we spend together the best that it can be. I have met people who have lived in disgusting houses filled with roaches, I've been thrown up on by a drunk man, I've had people overdose in front of me, tried to scam me, steal from me, drug me and rape me, verbally and physically abuse me, so once a person makes me feel uncomfortable i follow my intuition and I am on high alert. I am not a flakey person. I am on time and if I am running late I always inform beforehand. I am flexible with my scheduling and even drive long distances to meet people. I respond to messages when I can, but realize I have my own life with its own obligations. I own an art gallery, spend times with friends and family, and enjoy my own peace and quiet to unwind from life. As for being focused on getting pleasure. Yes I do like that. It feels good to be licked, touched, and sucked and I get aroused from having someone worshiping me. I focus on them too 😁. Always make it a hot time.
  5. Thank you for the compliment on my picture. It's a classic and I get a lot of good comments from it. I was bored one day and just snapped it !
  6. Well said. Thanks for your input. Everyone has different types of guys they are into.
  7. I have some new and updated photos up now maybe you should check them out, likewise good luck I'm sure you'll find a guy who will blow your mind somewhere out there!
  8. Thank you for the post! Always a hot time when we meet up !
  9. I do bottom and im open to kinks. That's why my profile says top/vers not just top! Did we ever meet up?
  10. I get into a lot of kinky stuff. I do have hard limits of things that I do not get into as well. I'm also open to new ideas and experiences too. Did we ever end up meeting up?
  11. Did you meet me while I was on the west coast?
  12. Did you meet me while I was on the west coast?
  13. Thank you for the kind words and years of good experiences and memories we have shared together. I will admit that I do talk more than I used to as I have gotten more comfortable with myself and I enjoy topping you!
  14. Thank you for meeting me. If you ever want to discuss why it was only ok - give me your opinion, tip, etc I would like to hear from you.
  15. Thank you for the compliment Gman.
  16. My photos are on the page. I have updated and recent ones there. I wouldn't call it huge but the perfect size for filling up a throat or ass. Most people enjoy it very much and do not tell me to stop unless they are newer to bottoming or have not done it in long time. I can assure you it's worth it.
  17. Would you like to meet me and know more about me ?
  18. You can contact me anytime and we can make that dream a reality...
  19. Thank you for the compliment. Did you ever get a chance to chat with or meet me?
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