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Guy Fawkes

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Everything posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. I went a way not usual and found that I have a Fatburger near me!
  2. What happens when you let a Gay guy make over your space? It takes it over the top and then some. A Netflix holiday special gives lots of ideas and a unique perspective to Holiday decorating. Warning: It'll trap you into binge watching the entire series.
  3. A small penis and an expensive car? ? (Running and Hiding now)
  4. So why not ask the administrators to change your name instead of sneaking in the stage door?
  5. Does anybody have experience with the Instant Pot? I noticed that one of the models has a "Sous Vite" button.
  6. I'm going to close this thread now. The message-forum is not the best place for two people to resolve their differences.
  7. Doctor Grocery Store GNC Bathroom Kitchen Bedroom Living Room Labratory Jack In The Box Senior Center
  8. Thread Closed. Because you guys egged him on. The OP broke the rules multiple times . Shame on anybody that encouraged him to post a review.
  9. and of course you meant: https://www.daddysreviews.com/submit
  10. By Subway; Relax and breath. It takes practice to learn to relax the right muscles.
  11. Unless you have already met the gentleman deposits are not recommended.
  12. I never use it as it requires that you be logged in. I'm not willing to create an account because they require too much information. They have a habit of sharing too much for my taste. Does the escort really need to know that you just checked out their profile?
  13. width=256pxhttps://7b1de02a7bcf9c1df487-6849f9022b05f72b83236695aa4e9a0a.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploads/articles/2018/623927/bump-sign_p3.jpg[/img]
  14. A: According to the CDC, little to no risk (assuming no cuts/abrasions)
  15. It would appear that I'm having the same problem.
  16. I'm a top (or was one.) I have yet to find a person that does't have what I'm interested in. Nipples I've been told come on all the standard models and respond (or don't respond) the same way. It's all just skin. I like skin. I like licking, sucking, and rubbing skin. I like short, I like muscular, I like scruffy. width=320pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fisportsfab.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2Fajay1.0.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img]
  17. Each person is different. Each persons triggers are different, stress is an important one The treatment for each is different. For me what works: 1) Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize! 2) Small dosage of Doxycycline 100mg once per day 3) Sedium (GNC Mega Men 50 Plus) twice per day The Doxycycline is a off-book use to reduce inflammation. That in return reduces the plaque. I don't have the funds to try the more "Modern" cures as they tend to run in the thousands of dollar.
  18. No...... But the fact that you left the red tag on your shorts says differently.
  19. The next person to use that offensive term takes a vacation!
  20. We don't do that using that type of langage. Would you like to take a break?
  21. Skipper from Gilligan's island. Red Skelton. Carol Burnett. Whoopi Goldberg both in and out of character. Plus one very special person that I miss a lot since his passing. He was a silent member of our group. I begged him for years to come to Palm Springs where everybody would protect his privacy. Just a reminder that "celebrities" are among us.
  22. Cat person and don't you dare call me a Lesbian! width=320pxhttps://filmdaily.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cat-memes-lede-1300x890.jpg[/img]
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