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Everything posted by GenerousGent

  1. Whatever happened to laying the money on the dresser in plain sight in advance!?! It doesn't have to be one or the other. A lot of illegitimate sex workers like to grab and go, and or do very little for 10 min and leave once $ is in their pocket. $ on the dresser evens the playing field for both. Usually the provider is younger, faster, stronger so actually that's more than enough assurance they won't be robbed in an exchange. ***And why didn't I see everyone else said similar things before replying? I must have just seen tail end of the thread, lol.
  2. Well, hello, Bill! Smart of you to self promo on that one! ;)
  3. So many fall for the "deposit" hustle it's sad. Also, use your brain's queens. Any boy nowadays with a perfect body and a beautiful face doesn't even have to do porn for a studio to make a ton of cash, much less hook up with the typical "John" for $. They're all doing collabs and making $ fucking other cute young guys. Creating a profile is as easy as "right-click, save" - stop believing these profiles are real. You're probably online chatting with a fat woman in Moscow or Beijing. LMFAO because at some point, there will come a cash app request. HA!
  4. At best, auditioning Sugar Daddies... at worst a total scammer using someone elses pics. Lol. If you were half as cute in LA you could find a lower middle class (for LA) Silverlake or Glendale Daddy to keep you out there. Trust, you'd def do that b4 coming back to Lima - lol. So many OH profiles never even return texts, I'm sure most of them are just adverts for OF anymore. Hard to find an even half good looking young guy nowadays who doesn't think he's worth $350/hr. Most of these boys are DELUSIONAL morons nowadays, lol.
  5. Says "new to Boston" in the profile.
  6. Everybody charges whatever they can get away with. Basically sites like OF and JFF have liberated organized sex workers. They have steady streams of income and can pick and choose if they even want to do "in person" sex work anymore. Gay men, generally speaking, have a lot of discretionary income. The boys know it and charge accordingly. If a guy is hot for you, you have to strike in the initial moment. I'd have totally become a sex worker in my youth if I had the resources available to me that exist now. Trust and believe also, the more a queen can/will pay, the more obnoxious and demanding they probably are. So per usual in the gay "community" the pretty boys are all fucking each other and loving it and the rich gays get the cream of the crop. Work a day fellas are basically just out of the online gay hiring game now, except for the random street meat you can still find on the ground occasionally. BUT, not every guy can demand $300 and up and make any money. And there are only so many rich guys tricking at any given time. Many are in steady sugar relationships. I'm definitely always looking for the humble, discreet, more rural provider who likes the game and depends more on volume than anything else. Fuck LA and NYC, both are just out of control and ridiculous, lol. LIfe is much better in the hinterlands. I'd rather put up with a little cold weather a couple months a year and an affordable cost of living year round than deal with the level of narcissism those environments encourage and allow any day. Also, thank goodness I'm old and my sex drive died so I'm rarely even looking any more.
  7. If a provider is a thieving trickster they will have blocked you before you can get back to your car to rate them. If they have 2 or more bad reviews, you can trust they've blocked many more, lol. It happened to me once. Guy asked me to stop and buy him like a $40 bottle of poppers on the way to him when I travelled from a state over. Then he wiggled and giggled (acting like everything was ticklish) for 20 min, then called time. I'm a very reasonable patient guy. He's lucky (to this day when I think about it) that if I didn't think he was working from a friend's house, those beautiful victorian stained glass windows would be in ruins right now, lol. You know I kept the address. Point being, bad providers block potential of any bad reviews so RM reviews are useless.
  8. Best you can do for them is make sure their homes are paid and then teach yourself and them that "No." is a complete, full and final sentence with no explanation necessary because it's been given in full multiple times.
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