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Ali Gator

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Posts posted by Ali Gator

  1. I have a feeling JLo was feeling competitve with Madonna, who was still performing at big arenas the past few months (though not sold out) . Madonna had her own set of problems (and cancellations, IIRC) but she ended up pulling it off.  But JLo is not Madonna. 

    This reminds me of Janet Jackson's concert tours in the past - she couldn't even fill amphitheaters. She ended up cancelling her tours saying she was 'ill'. Nothing makes an entertainer more ill than knowing you have no audiences left.  

  2. The old 'spend more time with my family' excuse.  It's a summer tour - why doesn't she bring her kids along for the tour like other divas (Diana Ross, Donna Summer, Dionne Warwick) have done in the past ? 

    The album was a flop, her documentary was a flop, her tour is a flop and by all accounts - her marriage is over. 

  3. "Better keep your hand off my...better keep your hand off my...better keep your hand off my potential new boyfriend! Workin' up that appetite - you can look, but you can't bite! Better keep your hand off my potential new boyfriend!" 

  4. On 5/16/2024 at 6:39 PM, pubic_assistance said:

    So you're PAYING for a guy but assuming he's fucking you because he's horny ? 🤔


    Actually, he's not paying 'for a guy'.  He's paying for a service - a massage. 

    It's like saying 'you're paying for a guy' if you hire a chauffer. You're not paying for the guy - you're paying for the service (to be chauffeured). 

  5. Thanks everyone. He's heading to my area later this week, according to his travel schedule. I may take a spin with him (for a massage). That's IF he keeps his schedule and shows up to my area. 

    I have to say, he does look at least 10 years older than his 25 years listed. 

  6. There are a lot of 'rumors' and 'blind items' all over the internet the past week saying J Lo is going to get busted along with Diddy. Apparently she knew something about a murder 25 years ago (I didn't pay attention to the details) and she's been well connected to what's been going on with Diddy. Who knows ? 

    However, these rumors of Affleck 'moving out' started when Diddy's home got raided back in March. Everyone is speculating that Affleck wants nothing to do with JLo and her involvement with Diddy. When you think about the timing, it does make sense. 

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