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Everything posted by ThroatCummer

  1. You can get it from Mark Cuban's startup CostPlusDrugs for $16 per month. For real. https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/emtricitabine-tenofovir-df-200mg-300mg-bottle-of-tablets/
  2. That's an amazing review. I am going to look him up next time I am available and he and I are in the same city. Thanks for the reference.
  3. Potato, potato. Show me a single instance where any person (not entity) was made to pay a settlement over any HIPAA violation, ever. Hold that thought. Is there truly any entity (corporation) that has been made to pay any meaningful settlement over a HIPAA violation? If so, who was the recipient of the settlement and funds? HIPAA is all bark and no bite. Hint: There's no HIPAA police.
  4. ... mind if I step in here as the CEO of an actual corporation? 👀 You all have the entire concept of a NDA wrong. Signing a NDA with someone over a meeting and/or sexual acts is completely meaningless. So what? They break it? What are you going to sue them for what, $5k, $20k? Ha. Okay, then what? Stormy Daniels signed a NDA and look at her bank account today. She's doing quite well. True NDAs are meant to protect trade secrets, intellectual property, or the magic "sauce" -- that's where the enforceable component has true value. If you are on the Board of Directors of one of my competitors, and I want to fuck you, we might sign a NDA. Then after I blow my load in you, perhaps I am so happy in that moment I happen to tell you about my next project that involves tech that will replace Facebook or has better battery tech than Tesla. Now, you turn that information into something and build a company to compete against us -- then we will use that NDA and get hundreds of millions or billions out of you. Forever. For sex -- or meeting someone -- or anything that isn't worth tens of millions in an eventual lawsuit? It's not worth the ink on the paper.
  5. I think that the second point is the vast majority. If I had to put numbers on your list of four things, I would say: 5%. 75%. 15%. 5%. Kissing... real kissing... is something very, very hard to fake. You might be 'straight' or not attracted to men, yet always able to get rock hard and fuck. But IMHO, kissing is the real tell when it comes to the provider's true sexual orientation. I started hiring back about six months ago and had a friend of a friend give me some tips before I jumped in these waters. His biggest piece of advice? Make sure your provider is gay or genuinely bi, but you really want someone gay. It'll be way more enjoyable all around. His advice was spot on. I've only since hired five guys. Two bisexual and three gay. Both of the bisexual guys were a bit 'mechanical' in the motions. All three of the gay ones kissed with a fucking passion that made me weak in the knees.
  6. When I first decided to hire earlier this year for the first time, I made a client profile on RM. Why? I can't imagine walking into a room or situation where the other person doesn't know anything about the other person at all -- profile text or even a single picture. Maybe I am unique, but I would never engage with a person where I can't at least have a base level understanding of the person you're about to engage with. Case in point: I'm chubby and a bear. Not obese but a big dude. Lots of people would call me fat and that's cool. I don't care. I also love crazy built bodybuilders who spend all day in the gym with no body fat. So when the math is done, I really don't want the escort I hire to walk into my place and not be able to get hard for a 'fat' guy. I'd rather there be a mutual attraction on some level by exchanging pictures so he knows what I look like. I put forward something about me and they can see it and decide to engage. It's a win all around. Does that make sense? I think it does. Anyway -- I've been with Trev twice and he's legit #1 on the list of hottest guys ever. All the reviews are real and true. This site is awesome. I wish I had discovered it years ago. Me: https://rent.men/SportBud
  7. I've always wanted to hire Sean Duran but on the fence since he's been around so much and wanted more than a typical 'pornstar in my bed' experience. (e.g., BFE). Anyone have experience here?
  8. The latter. If I were the owners/founder(s), I would be aiming for an exit at this point for sure. They have the critical mass of the market in the USA at the very least which is huge.
  9. Let me just add my three cents (or $400/hr) here. Trev is #1 in my book. That guy made me feel like ten million bucks for almost two weeks after our last encounter when I met him in NYC (x2 times). We immediately formed a connection and he provided the perfect BFE overnight experience. So much so that I am planning to go to Toronto at some point to get some more. He's exactly like his pictures, he can talk about any subject under the sun, he fucks like a total rockstar, and he and makes you feel (at least he did to me) like I was the absolute entire center of his universe the whole time we were together. Nobody else has come close, so far, and the only regret I have is that he set the bar so fucking high for everyone else in my mind. Worth. Every. Cent.
  10. I always thought a roll in the sack with Jon Vincent would have been a freaking blast. Sad his life ended up how it did though. I remember seeing his porn when I was younger (I'm only 45 at the moment) and he made me realize that a tough masculine guy could have sex with another guy as I had really never see/heard anyone quite like him before. Of course, times have changed and now you can see tons of guys like that all over the place, but at the time I think he was unique.
  11. I keep trying, but it's hard to keep up the "I'm cool and calm and comfortable" thing when I just want him so bad. We chatted earlier this week but he got busy. Ugh. Crazy. Stupid. Hot.
  12. So being new to this, my question is: For the ones who list bisexual, how do you know if they truly are or lean one way or another? I've known 100% truly bisexual people in my life. But I feel on RM that many gay ones will list bisexual to cast a wider net from clients, and that many straight ones will list bisexual when they're 98% straight. I'd prefer to only hire gay and/or bisexual guys who are truly open and thoroughly enjoy male affection.
  13. As a native Bostonian who knows the scene here, it is dead as far as strip clubs and bathhouses and any action inside bars or clubs. There are maybe three strip clubs around, all of them straight, and all in the suburbs. It's not even because of COVID, it died like this more than ten years ago. It's a combination of being ultra-liberal where gay places weren't "needed" anymore. We have a handful of decent gay bars (Club Cafe, Cathedral Station, DBAR, Blend) but they're nothing like in any other city you will visit. Everything here is so open and the lines are blurred, that I have better luck walking into a typical straight bar and just buying a drink or hitting on a handsome guy in there. Worst reaction you'll get is a polite decline, nothing drastic. Everyone's comfortable with everyone being gay around here so you see the scene really blend into each other. Any hardcore action or hooking up [nudity[ going on in a bar, if caught, would result in a loss of liquor license by the city for a long time, so it's strictly prohibited. Bathhouses and saunas were legislated out 15 years ago. They can't even show porn on TVs. When I want to let loose a little more, I head 45-55 mins south to Providence. That town is way more fun than Boston if you're looking to get your nut off with someone not in a bedroom.
  14. By every measure, this should be like shooting fish in a barrel, but coming up totally short. It's getting down to the wire and can't find anyone really, so here we are. Backstory: My buddy and I are looking for a non-traditional escort for next weekend in NYC. We're both mostly straight (that's always debatable but just go with it for a moment), both married and both have a family, and we both LOVE to get sucked off. We're pretty dominant and have a rare chance to grab a room in the city and spend two nights this coming weekend. I've known him for a while and we never get to do this. Problem is the type of guy that legit turns our crank is a mid-30's to mid-50's dad type, some grey hair, 220-260 lbs, clean cut, with a great belly, and totally submissive. I mean someone who can just get on their knees and suck both our dicks for over an hour. That's how submissive. I know they're out there because I can easily pick up someone like that on the sidewalk at random, but that's a game and I need to schedule something in a short window. Every person I see on the apps and escort sites is pretty jacked and while that's hot, I can't find anyone who seems to fit the profile. Shit, maybe there's a huge market here that is underdeveloped that I can figure out how to monitize one day. But for now, Hope this makes sense. If we can't find anything, we'll probably just head out to a few bars next weekend and take our chances. It's an option, but ordering in is preferred. Any suggestions? Totally serious here and not just trying to tell a good story.
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