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Everything posted by Coconut

  1. I made no assumption of a shortcoming. I answered the question that you posted, and gave you list of potential culprits that can be causing the issue you are having. It’s unfortunate that you chose to take offense, but no offense was intended.
  2. 1) I consider “All American” to be White or Black. To me at has to be a boy next door look. Wholesome looking, clean cut, boyish looking, which is not limited to white guys. Ive had many Black guys fit that bill. 2) @storm4u and others mentioned being successful in many different markets and they are Black. Maybe the challenges you are having, have to do with the city you’re in, your marketing, you, or your luck.
  3. Im wondering how many guys these days are providers full-time vs part-time. There was a thread on this a decade ago, but Im curious to see if things have changed.
  4. A client actually said that to you?
  5. Has a client ever said anything that offended you? If so, what was it?
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