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Posts posted by musclestuduws

  1. 2 hours ago, MaybeMaybeNot said:

    I think I would be mortified if I had been intimate with someone my dad had been with. I would feel just as mortified if it had been the other way.  I think the dad is grossed out and protecting his son from the same feeling.  

    Regardless of what each of us may assume, the son deserves at the very least not to be ghosted without having some kind of conversation. Again, it’s not necessary to tell him anything about his father but  just the consideration of giving him a valid if vague reason not to continue seeing each other, or perhaps even finding a way to remain just friends, or rather friendly  


  2. On 11/18/2023 at 4:25 PM, Michael PhD said:

    Appreciate the feedback. 

    I am not planning to see either. 

    My bi buddy isn’t out and I don’t plan on outing him by telling his son that I know his dad in that way. He’s upset and hasn’t talked to me after this all came out and I promised I wouldn’t see his son again. 

    My buddy’s son and I have met for almost 3 years. We are more than fuck buddies. Friends at minimum. No long term potential but we have mutual respect and what I find challenging is how abrupt this will be for him to hear without sharing context. I’ve been vague with him this past month when he texts but he can tell something is off. Doesn’t feel right to ghost him. Doesn’t feel right to lie. Doesn’t feel right to not share something to help him understand. 

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I’m not sure how I’ll handle it aside from not meeting either for play… navigating how to end the “relationship” is challenging. 

    This is a fascinating personal story that lends itself to be contemplated from different perspectives. I believe that nobody has spoken on behalf of the son. From the post quoted above, I understand you have a long term, friendly, and caring relationship with the son. From his perspective, it is utterly unfair that you are ghosting him and planning to cut all ties without any explanation. I’d suggest instead to cut ties with the father; the son should not be punished for the closeted life style his father has chosen. I would also suggest that you find a way to have a heartfelt if not entirely transparent conversation with the son in order to continue your friendship with him, without outing the father of course. Just a thought putting myself in the son’s shoes. He seems to really care for you and wants to keep seeing you. After all, the father is the one who has been acting selfishly without ever considering his son’s feelings. The father’s sole interest has been protecting himself and his closeted sexuality at any cost all his life. Don’t fall into the father’s life trap. 

  3. I am very sorry @mmarien that you had such a horrible experience and thanks for warning us. I am guessing he charges escort rates for anything actually sexual or even sensual but he should be upfront about that. I assume he also has an ad on rentmen but I did not find it. His Twitter account just promotes his porn videos on OnlyFans. As it turns out, I have seen him working out at my gym several times. He exhibits all the signs that identify a narcissistic douchebag, which is huge turn off for me no matter how hot he thinks he is. 

  4. I’m enjoying season 2 much more than season 1. The plot line dramatizing the fierce competition between the Academy and the “new” Metropolitan Opera is accurate enough (fascinating for me to do research about it afterwards). It was indeed the symbolic battlefield where the upper class struggle for cultural and social supremacy between old and new money played out. I also look forward to seeing how the strike at the steel mills unfolds. And the journalists’ visit to Booker T. Washington’s school in Alabama, a complex, sensitive issue they have been handling with care and nuance so far. 


    On 9/2/2023 at 9:50 AM, FitnessFan said:

    I “took one for the team”.  He’s real, he looks like the pics in the ad, he’s very nice, and I had a fine massage which ended happy.  I didn’t try to maneuver things in the direction of escort-like services, so I can’t speak as to whether that’s in the realm of possibility.  This was at my place.  He ran a bit late but kept me posted frequently.  

    Many thanks for taking one for the team, FitnessFan. It looks like you had a good time. Has anyone else seen WolfDadd? I wonder if he is good at giving deep tissue/sport massage. 


  6. 3 hours ago, njny7621 said:

    This guy is the gift that keeps on giving. Out of the blue reply, thought we were done. 

    the scent of midnight blooms, a touch of cedarwood soaked in moonlight, and a whisper of lavender dancing with the mountain breeze. That, my friend, is the aromatic sonnet of the Carpathian Wolf’s massage”

    he’s not playing with a full set of bocce balls. 

    🤣🤣. Too bad. I really like his pics, sexy stud. 

  7. Glad to have found this thread. He used to come to nyc often, years before the pandemic. Then I totally lost track of him. I could not find his ad after his old, headless one disappeared. I saw him many times then and I always had a great time. His massage was good too. I’d surely like to see him again. Does anyone know if he still comes to nyc? He seems to be settled in LA for good. 

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