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Club Gold Coast Dancer

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Posts posted by Club Gold Coast Dancer

  1. Hey guys, I'm Denver Dubois and I used to strip at Club Gold Coast Detroit 2016-18.

    I found myself searching online tonight remanicing the good times and people I grew to love there and I came across some old threads on this site. 

    Sure, allot of the time there were mostly twinky boys and only 10 or so dancers. On a Thursday maybe only 4. The bar tenders got hired and fired to much and the place had to have 10 foot fences and armed security.

    Yes, at the time management was thieving every night from the drop and never paid the property taxes, renewed there liquor licence, or stocked the liquor. 

    They were raided 3 times consecutively and ticketed. This resulted in the Cabernet licencing being revoked and the closure of the bar. 

    All that being said I would just like to pour my heart out for a moment, I used to drive 250 miles round trip from the sparkling city of Midland Michigan to 7 mile Detroit. JUST TO DANCE. I looooved to dance. Loved it. I craved the challenge of pleasing the crowd. I looked forward to mental gymnastics it takes to sexually entice the array of faucets of the many male minds that walked through the door. Balancing jealousy and envy of the men who grew attached to me. I'd show up first. 4 days out of the week I worked.  At 7pm. I'd leave midland at 5pm In my BMW 325XI. "DENVER" was always on the list.

    See first dancer on the list gets to go last. If your late your first on stage at 9pm. So I'd spend 2 hours, showering shaving, stretching, practising, and getting my word in with vallet, management, bar, and DJ. Most the sin side wonderers would roll in early and not tip and only (generally) anyone to come in for a lap dance at that time had a cash amount they wanted to spend (say $60) and an idea of how many songs they liked for that, ( A deal 4 songs for the price of 3) and who they hoped they had in mind. Songs get played all the way and boys are late to stage at first. This guy got fresh and work for his money. So, while the other boys festered with there lockers, Id be to work. 

    By around 9:30 when my first stage time came, hopefully there was an audiance and first call was served and I'd make a few dollars. Id get off stage and I'd take some time out to hug people and say hello and catch up on people's lives, dancers and patrons. Usually 9:30-10:30 at that time for gold coast is when you could expect people to mozy in the door and come in off the patio and find there way out of the back. 

    I never told the DJ what music I wanted to have played or asked what dancer I'd be paired with. I tipped DJ Intrigue, DJ Marquis, and DJ Tyler belts every night a percentage of I could afford. I had high expenses working there. I had gas into it, stage rental, VIP door fee, the Dj's cut, and vallet all coming out my bottom line.

    But I never cheeped the tip. I always got good music from DJ Intrigue (the woman) at 10:30-12:00-1:30. The other hot set got the alternate times. I tipped the door man extra so sometimes, he'd call up to the DJ for me and I'd get 4 songs of something I could grind too and she'd cut the songs shorter.

    DJ Marquis was a stickler but he'd give me a good pairing based on his perceived dancer duo compatablity/compatablity for the day. 

    Dj Tyler Beltz, he was a younger ginger clean kid, he really tried to make it hip and promote and did put his feet forward at first, but he had to deal with management on pay every night outside of tips and... Well management. Didn't. Pay. Sometimes. 

    It was a hard bid on Tuesdays and Thursdays but you hoped on Friday and Saturday that you'd got some regular guys that love you, tip you some off the break on there $20 from drinks. Maybe another guy who's not as desensitized to the lights and skin, he's from out the city a little bit, maybe has a wife and he's just there to look. People are watching the people choose with there Dollars and how many! Another guy's screaming in his pants and the regulars have noticed this guy might want a lap dance. He'd watch me watch him in the mirror as I worked the pole, the stage, enjoying the $7 at my feet from the previous two who admire. Only looking at him when I showed my front. A guy like this, he'd come to tip and he'd hold his bill real close when he'd came to the stage. I'd know! So I'd flaut when he got close and feel him out' if I should, pull my dancer bottoms at the band at my Vline for him to sink it down somewhere safe' or put one leg up on his shoulder from the stage and hug his face to my abbs... should I take it hand to hand and say thank you? 

    I never looked at bills or played with my money on the stage or ran right off to a VIP. With any luck, I'd have $72 because the last tip I'd find out in the locker room, was a $5. This meant for sure I didn't sympathy real a dollar and this guys got some change and would like a private. At the time, cops had cracked down in 2016 on the underwear on the floor and we had to wear clothes everywhere but the stage, locker room, and vip. 

    I always found it awkward and a weird balance between the men who'd come in 2 times a week and the guys who'd come in once a month and the visitors. I loved allot of people and looked forward to seeing many people. Staff and patrons. 

    Guys would have "things". They don't wanna dance after you've put them in a que, or they don't like the dancer who's been popular for a couple quick 1 song lap dances, or they do want a dance but not now, not until there almost ready to go, or until it gets more crowded. Guys will fight with other guys because when a discontinued dancer used to work there.... They'd always steal each other's pick of the litter. 

    As well, dancers had there territory. Some of the guys that'd come in looked me up and down and would say things like, maybe sometime me and you go for a private, or one of these days your gonna have to let me know ahead of time you'll be here. I didn't work for those guys. Not because there money was fake, or I didnt like them. It kept me respected by my co-workers and afforded me a bit of un-attainability too anybody who was potentially interested in being a regular.  

    Regulars got good treatment from me. Hugs at the door, conversation, I'd pay attention to there updates and spend time around them on the patio and bar. They got more exotic lap dances and extra attention and I'd let them kiss on me at the stage and so forth. Regulars didn't have to be twice a week patrons, they didn't have to get a set number of songs (tho most were between $60 and $200 a vip) anybody who came in and got a lap dance from ME anytime they went back when they were in the building, got gold star stripper lap dance treatment. 

    Sure, there was illegal shit going on and sure, some twinky on rotation who's scrubbed his hole night would probably let a guy have most his way for $40. There's probably a scruff they let in who only works Saturday who's got one guy he plans to meet there every week who gets over on him cheep. I was never this guy. Not on the first $200 vip. You'll enjoy yourself, I'd never spent a half hour with someone who got up after 10 minutes. Come back. See me again. We can play a little harder/diffent next time. But most guys I worked with, were well mannered with me. I'd start to feel safe that I was in control and wasn't going to get hurt or used or ripped off. Then, I could perform well. 

    Gold coast could steal your soul and addict you and wash you out to the worst. Lovely amazing beautiful wildly rich men came through those doors. It could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Some men, I where sensed were violent and mean. Some I knew had offences against children. Some were wronchy. There were people I'd say no to, or avoid. But, swimming among the sharks thrilled me. 

    Around 11-12 pm was busy hour for me and hopefully I'd pull in another $50 in stage tips off a heavy croud (for the time) and get back to the VIP for 8 songs, between 3 gentleman. (Let's assume it's not a hot day and I don't have 2 half hour dances) so I'm running the floor. 

    Show time happens at 12:00 and everybody usually gets a dollar, sometimes guys use it as a time to spoil the picks of the litter.  

    We'd all go back to the locker room and if you were working now you'd count your cash. Id have $282 and 2 hours left. 

    I'd use 12:00 to 1:00 as a time to talk to guest and and interact with the the crowd, dance, flirt, try to sell dances where I might find one. Balance checking on my tables and talking to non-spend patrons and the other guys who had there regular dancer. If I'm lucky I'd pull $45 between tips and a dance. 

    1:00-2:00 Is prime stage time and the last of the late crowd has to be in the door. This is a stage tipping croud. Id turn up the flex and bust out the best moves and hang my ass out cus I tip the DJ enough to do it. I'll show on stage with a hard on or zest it up some how. 

    Gold coast crowd...., you'd expect to go wild at the sleazy lawlessness provided there at that hour, but by 2018 there wasn't enough liquor order, allot of patrons were there for extra curricular pick ups and the talent washed out before the end of the night. 

    Id say my drive safes and see you agains. Share the feeling of the touch of pleasure one more time parting with the guys I liked working for and was mentally or physically attracted too. As a stripper you look past that your working for an old body and look in a little while your there with them or you don't keep going back so. Id find the locker room and count up the $357 I had raked in exchange for my entertainment.

    Most boys didn't make that on Friday and Saturday and I worked 4 days a week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'd make a crummy $250 between the two mostly and at the end of 2018 I'd have to call people on Tuesday to come down. 

    I'd tip the DJ $25, pay Mr.Will at the VIP door $15, I'd cash out $10 to the club and pay $7 to vallet. 

    That'd leave me with $310. Gas was $120 round trip. $60 a way. 250 miles total. I'd get home at 4am with $190. I'd make probably $400-$600 working 4 days a week 7 hour shifts with 4 hours drive time. Around my day job. 

    Not because I had to, not because Gold Coast Ate me up. Because I loved the people who visited me there. The family I developed through that open door and the catapulted it offered me in life. 

    So the next time someone mentions Club Gold Coast Detroit, go ahead and talk it was a dump. But don't say it wasn't for lack of Denver Dubois putting in my best! 

    Since Gold Coast has closed I've moved on to working in porn and hope everyone still visits me for a good time at home from there cell phones. 

    I Miss and love you gold coast and all the people who made it home. 





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