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Anyone check out Channing Tatum in Coach Carter?

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Saw Coach Carter a few days ago, with Samuel L. Jackson. OK movie--a bit too cliched and formulaic. but lots of hot young guys with ripped torsos in low hanging towels in the locker room.


The hottest guy for me is an actor named Channing Tatum. He is gorgeous--perfect body, beautiful face with this sexy scar under his right eye, buzzed head... the guys just SMOULDERS in this movie. He was makin me wet the whole movie. I'll try to post a couple of pics for u...


wondering if anyone else had the same reaction.









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Unfortunately, I can't see the pics that were originally posted either.... and that makes me sad :(


But, here are some more pics of Channing that I was able to dig up. All with his clothes on, unfortunately...









Aaron Scott DC



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Ahh, that worked! LOL! A naked boi and his gun... that's an interesting pic. Of course, from what I have read, Channing is native american indian and grew up in Alabama and Mississippi, so I guess the pic may not be all that bizarre after all.


If you copy and paste the address as Barry mentioned, I also noticed that you can keep changing the number in the address and see other pics of Channing. You can from from 1 to 23. Yum, yum, yum! :p:D :9


Aaron Scott DC



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I love you !!!! I saw Coach Carter within a few days of it coming out.


That white kid is fucken incredible !!! Couldnt say anything with the straight guys that I was with, but they keep looking at me during the locker scenes and saying, "AAAAHHHH, you like that, right ?!"

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>they keep looking

>at me during the locker scenes and saying, "AAAAHHHH, you like

>that, right ?!"


Novice, do you realize how cool your life is? Some guys, when they come out, feel they have to get rid of their old straight friends and have a new "gay" life (or maybe they have homophobic friends and therefore no choice), which is fine, but we rarely hear (on here, at least) stories of guys like you, who seem to have had no problem coming out and continuing their lives as usual. I know that your story must be more common than we realize, but like I said, we rarely hear about it. I hope you're inspiring other guys to go for it. :)

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Damn man...that makes me feel real good !!! However, my sense of humor makes things look a lot better than they really are. I am in the process of coming out right now, and I only really came out 6 months ago. Im still closeted to all my family, except for my Dad (figured Id start with the Irish Catholic Conservative...makes things more fun that way).


Here goes...I love answering posts like this, as your post really made me think about my life.


"Novice, do you realize how cool your life is?"


I used to, but have had some problems lately. Its been a really rough road these past 6 months.



"Some guys, when they come out, feel they have to get rid of their old straight friends and have a new "gay" life (or maybe they have homophobic friends and therefore no choice), which is fine,"...


Shit, I didnt get rid of my straight friends, they got rid of me !! To date, I have about 14 people who I used to hang out with on a monthly basis (seeing each other at least once a month, usually doing group shit like movies/going out/house parties) that dont speak to me anymore. Just wont return my phone calls or have told me that I was fucked up. I know, I know...they were not real friends in the first place and blahblahblah...the fact is real friends or not, my heart did not make that distinction and it hurts just like they were real friends.


BTW, I have no gay friends...actually just one and he lives in MI



"but we rarely hear (on here, at least) stories of guys like you, who seem to have had no problem coming out and continuing their lives as usual. I know that your story must be more common than we realize, but like I said, we rarely hear about it. I hope you're inspiring other guys to go for it. "


I came out with an incredible amount of difficulty and depression...actually it was the depression that made me come out...If I continued to live a lie...well I dont want to think about what would have happened. Fortunately my background in mental health gave me a heads up...kind of.


Never thought of my story as inspiring, but you might be right. I am in the middle of my life (35) but also at the beginning of "The Gay Years" I am planning on dying around 70 cause of the whole social security fiasco and I figure I can live well for 5 years after my retirement on what I will have put in to a pension :-)

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This has gotta be one of the sadder posts I've read on this board in some time. I, like Rick, responded to Novice's telling of going to the movies with straight friends by thinking, hey that's cool, maybe things are really changing out there among the younger generation. Than Novice brings us back to reality with his response. We still have a long ways to go, boys.....a downer on the eve of that super hetero extravaganza the Super Bowl. Think I'll go get me some more Bud.....

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Dont be sad Spiro,


I think I can tell you some stuff that will get your groove back :


1) The straight guys that I went to the movies with were actually not my friends, but mentees from the Big Brother/Little Brother program. These kids are 15 and 16 years old and have been fucked over by fate and their parents (Dad is a heroin addict, other Dad denies son's existence...).

I have known these guys for awhile (they are like my little brothers) and told them when I thought the time was right, and I was cool with telling. These kids were shocked (they had met my exs) but they basically said they didnt give a shit cause I had always been good and loyal to them. They ask me questions sometimes, but more importantly, they still come to me with all of their girlfriend problems.


2) One of my straight friends (Mark - Italian guido)always said shit about gay people...really demeaning shit that made you think that he didnt even consider gay people in the same human circle as heterosexuals. It was hard for him when I came out, but his heart has become a lot bigger now. He tells me he loves me (I guess he thinks that "we" need that support and encouragement...he wouldnt tell his straight friends that) and always asks me how things are "going with men." I buy all of his family's and his girlfriend's gifts (with his money) cause Im good at it and his thinks that is a function of my being gay...pretty dumb but endearing in the way he says it, "You can do those things because of your gay powers."


3) Lastly, I think a lot of the pain I have gone through was of my own doing. I really succumbed to fear of rejection and some self hatred. I have found that when you dont follow the path that you are supposed to, your body, your mind and sometimes your spirit cries out for you to change. Depression was like a natural consequence to my denial. Im not saying my decision is right for everybody. I would say that we need to make choices in our life that make us the MOST happy, and not settle for "kind of happy or "happy enough." A lot of times, we must face and overcome our deepest fears to get there...Im doing that right now.


Fear not Spiro :-) In July, I didnt think I would be able to live another day...now I am looking forward to the time when I will have full use of my gay powers (including fashion sense...I pretty much just wear Timberland fashions...I would have made a great lesbian) and the krypotonite that is self doubt and societal pressure will be flung in to deep space, never to bother me again !!!

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>I am in the process of coming out right now, and I only really

>came out 6 months ago.


Did you ever post that? If so, I'm sorry I missed it, and if you never mentioned it before, thanks for letting us in now.


>Here goes...I love answering posts like this, as your post

>really made me think about my life.


"The unexamined life is not worth living." --Socrates


>To date, I have about 14 people who I used to hang out

>with... Just wont return my

>phone calls or have told me that I was fucked up.


That is very fucked up. And yeah, of course I was gonna say they were never really your friends anway.


>the fact is real friends or not, my heart did

>not make that distinction and it hurts just like they were

>real friends.


I realize that, and I'm really sorry they hurt you. I still say "fuck 'em" but I'm not negating the pain you feel...


>BTW, I have no gay friends...actually just one and he lives in



Guess what? You have gay friends here, and they even meet in real time (when's the next Hooville meeting in NY, guys?)


>I came out with an incredible amount of difficulty and

>depression...actually it was the depression that made me come

>out...If I continued to live a lie...well I dont want to think

>about what would have happened. Fortunately my background in

>mental health gave me a heads up...kind of.


I'm really glad you had that background and you're still here. I'm still afraid for my former client (my age) who was severely depressed and was on the verge (with my help) of coming out, but then just disappeared...


>Never thought of my story as inspiring, but you might be

>right. I am in the middle of my life (35) but also at the

>beginning of "The Gay Years"


Your story, and all the stories of you guys who come out, is VERY inspiring, even to guys like me who were always out. Don't sell yourself short. We need every single one of you guys to continue doing it...


>I am planning on dying around 70

>cause of the whole social security fiasco


There is no Social Security fiasco! It's all a fabrication. Here, read this: http://www.thereisnocrisis.com/

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Hey Rick,


No I never posted that I was coming out. Might have made reference to it, but never really stated it. Tried to come out a few years ago, but encountered a lot of shit from gay people actually. My job was especially shitty and it was an AIDS organization so ya think they would have been supportive (a lot more gay people there than in your average job).


"The unexamined life is not worth living." --Socrates


Yup yup, gotta love Socrates !! In keeping with my follys of my early years I majored in Theology and Philosopy in undergrad. Always loved Socrates and Aristotle, although I wont pretend to understand everything, but it least it not all Greek to me.


Thanks for the sympathy and empathy...I am not above taking both in a case like this :-) It actually means a lot and makes up a bit for the stupidity of the world.


"(when's the next Hooville meeting in NY, guys?)"


I had no idea that there was a Hooville, NY. Sounds like fun



That sucks about your client...disappearing is really hard cause you have no clue of what is up...I will keep him in my prayers.



As for social security, well I dont know if you are kidding or not...I think we might be fucked (and not in the good way)if we dont do something soon .

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>As for social security, well I dont know if you are kidding or

>not...I think we might be fucked (and not in the good way)if

>we dont do something soon .


It will be solvent for decades. Bush is trying to convince everyone that there is a crisis but his plan of phasing Social Security out entirely, in favor of private accounts, does absolutely nothing to fix anything (and Bush & Co. have recently admitted as much). Some adjustments will need to eventually be made, but it will be solvent. Don't worry.


Btw, your GAY co-workers gave you shit about coming out?? What was that all about?

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My co-workers were just very smug and fucken rude. The entire agency has changed now (most of the gay men left and it is predominantly run by straight and lesbian persons). I was "straight" and had a girlfriend who later became my fiance. She was really hot and they would all make comments like I got the hottest girl cause I am so gay and this is the way I would compensate. I had a few (gay) co-workers who told me when these comments were made. It made me feel like this was not a "family" that I wanted to be part of.


1) My boss said shit to me like, "All you need is one good gay experience and you'll be turned out."


2) A consultant for our agency, who also happened to be an adjunct prof at Fordham, told my co-workers during a break in her presentation, "Oh thats the guy who thinks he's straight."


3) Many things that I did cause I have a good heart and cause I went above and beyond in my hob, some co-workers would attribute to my being gay. For example, there were two teenage boys who were positive and I taught them tae kwon do and meditation, and some staff said thats cause I wanted to get with them.


BTW, the staff who said these things were gay...only one straight co-worker said shit about me, and that's cause she was pissed that I wouldnt go out with her.


Damn Rick,


Gotta stop there cause its been a long time since I thought of this shit. Its all good though...guess the bottom line is I didnt want to join "the club" cause I was encountering such nasty behavior...I wish I was stronger, but maybe I am stronger now.


Oh yeah, two co-workers were really pushing me to get in to a 3 way with them...I did actually tell them that I liked guys, but I thought I was bi, and they were not helpful...always made judgements about how my actions and mannerisms were not that of a gay man, so I couldnt be gay...real stupid juvenile shit.


The gay scene is strange in Westchester...you would think it would be similar to NYC, but its not.


Anyway, thats part of the story

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