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Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall to star in Brokeback Mountain

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This is a movie that I hope gets made. Based on Annie Proulx's novel "Brokeback Mountain", and to be directed by Ang Lee, Ledger and Gyllenhall have been tapped to play two gay cowboys and the story line is to focus on their relationship. Both of these guys are so hot. Ledger is well known to just about everyone; Gyllenhall played "Donnie Darko". No production date is available, but it is supposed to be filmed sometime in the next year.

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Oh, I can't wait for this movie. I've been in lust with Jake :p since Donnie Darko was released, and Brokeback Mountain is a great story.


Regarding the film, it is in pre-production now and scheduled to begin filming on 14-Jun-2004.


By the way, the screenplay was co-authored by the same guy who wrote The Last Picture Show.



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>Oh, I can't wait for this movie. I've been in lust with Jake

>:p since Donnie Darko was released, and Brokeback Mountain is

>a great story.


>Regarding the film, it is in pre-production now and scheduled

>to begin filming on 14-Jun-2004.


>By the way, the screenplay was co-authored by the same guy who

>wrote The Last Picture Show.




Hoover, thanks for the film date. I'll assume you mean Larry McMurtry coauthored the script. If that's the case, it should be really good.


McMurtry and I were virtual neighbors when I lived in Texas. He lives in Archer City (a tiny little town) and has a book store that encompasses about four different buildings in the town. He has every kind of book imaginable there, and he's often in the store. Some of the stores are barely staffed, and you take your purchases to the main store to pay. Pretty much an honor system. Only in Texas or a few other places would I imagine such an arrangement. I had a nice conversation with him a couple of years ago when I was there. He's an odd duck, but quite a talented writer (good enough to win a Pulitzer Prize for "Lonesome Dove".)


On Jake Gyllenhall, I totally agree.........that boy just oozes sensuality.

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Not to be pedantic, but merely to keep people from trying to find a novel with the title BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, it's a short story by Annie Proulx. It first appeared in the New Yorker a couple of years ago, and was then anthologized as the last story in her volume CLOSE RANGE. In my opinion, it's a magnificent, serious work of art, not "merely" a love story about two cowboys.


But I'll also be first in line at the ticket window when it's released. I hope Ang Lee will film the main characters' interactions/course exactly as Proulx describes them. If he does, theater managers will have to put oxygen tanks in the aisles for the weak of heart.

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OOOPS! Forgive my audacity, but I 1000% agree with your assessment of McMurtry! He is my favorite modern author and I have read everything he has ever written. Lonesome Dove is the absolute EPITOME of great modern writing and DEFINITELY deserved all the awards and accolades that it earned. :)

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McMurtry's great gift is the ability to create interesting, very human and fallible characters who quickly draw you into their worlds. He knows the Texas/Old West culture and mythos about as well as anyone I've ever encountered.


Another great writer worthy of note is Cormac McCarthy. McCarthy is very reclusive, and never grants interviews, but he also knows how to tell the stories of the West like an old hand......The Border Trilogy being a case in point. One book in that series, "All the Pretty Horses", was really fine, though the movie based on it directed by Billy Bob Thornton and starring Matt Damon was pretty much a flop. Of course, rarely do movies do justice to the written stories, at least that is true from my experience.

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Damn, I've read Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy also, and loved it. You are right however, in that the movie version of All the Pretty Horses, did not do justice to the novel, but that wouldn't be the first nor last, bastardization of a written work of art by Hollywood. :(

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  • 1 month later...

Latest Brokeback Mountain news:


- Anne Hathaway will play the ex-rodeo queen wife of Gyllenhaal's character (Michelle Williams has already been cast as the wife of Ledger's character), while Randy Quaid will play the foreman who employs the two cowboys.


- Heath ledger has been ordered start working out in preparation for his role.


I'm still disappointed that Gus Van Sant is no longer associated with this project. Ang Lee just doesn't seem like the sort of director who can handle this poignant story.



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Are you kidding??? Ang Lee is a MUCH better choice than Gus Van Zant! Although I didn't think much of "Wedding Banquet", his first well-known (and gay-themed) release, he has much more sensitivity to an author's original characters than does Van Zant. Just look at "Even Cowgirls..",

truly impossible to put to film, but Van ZAnt did a really lousy job trying.

I think Lee will do a fantastic job interpreting the "Cold wind howling on a lonesome night" feel of La Proulx's short story.


La Trix

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>Are you kidding??? Ang Lee is a MUCH better choice than Gus

>Van Zant! Although I didn't think much of "Wedding Banquet",

>his first well-known (and gay-themed) release, he has much

>more sensitivity to an author's original characters than does

>Van Zant. Just look at "Even Cowgirls..",

>truly impossible to put to film, but Van ZAnt did a really

>lousy job trying.

>I think Lee will do a fantastic job interpreting the "Cold

>wind howling on a lonesome night" feel of La Proulx's short



>La Trix




Ang Lee is def the right person. Refer to "Sense and Sensibility".

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  • 1 month later...

More Brokeback Mountain News (From WENN):


Actor Jake Gyllenhaal's friends have been teasing him about his forthcoming homosexual role in Brokeback Mountain - although the Good Girl star insists he's very comfortable with his character. The Hollywood heart-throb admits some of his pals are concerned about Gyllenhaal playing Heath Ledger's cowboy lover. Gyllenhaal says, "They're all like, 'Dude, you're gonna kiss a guy?' But it's not about that for me. It's about how impossible love can be sometimes and I can relate to that. I grew up in a family where many of our close friends were gay couples. As well as that, every man goes through a period of thinking they're attracted to another guy."



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Can Gyllenhall act though? Or just look relaaaaxed?


A very nice sentiment, I'm continuously surprised how accepting the world is becoming... but will the door swing back the other way?


I still haven't seen Donnie Darko, though I keep meaning to get to it, so my only familiarity with Gyllenhall is in 'Day After Tomorrow' which I just saw...


Maybe it's charming in some roles, but at the end of the world I would think anybody would be a trifle more TENSE and ANXIOUS. The entire movie he had this relaxed, half-lidded stoner look about him. If he can't get worked up over being surrounded by water then ice/snow at the start of a new ice age, in a library with no food and a bunch of other people...


Can he actually act (when given material better the the Roland Emmeric derived drivel I just saw) or is he just cute?

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RE: Can Gyllenhall act though? Or just look relaaaaxed?




I saw Donnie Darko (in fact, I have the DVD) but have yet to see The Day After Tomorrow. From your description, it sounds like J.G. is playing the same character in both movies; he practically sleep-walked through Donnie Darko (though I think it fit the mood of the movie perfectly).



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  • 1 month later...

More Brokeback Mountain News (From WENN):


Hulk director Ang Lee could disappoint gay fans by cutting the homosexual kiss between hunky actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger from his latest film Brokeback Mountain. The Day After Tomorrow star Gyllenhaal has confessed that he has had homosexual crushes and is willing to snog Ledger - but Lee is anxious about filming the explicit parts of Annie Proulx's novel about two cowboys who fall in love. Gyllenhaal reveals, "We were talking about the kissing in the movie just recently. Clearly, it's pretty challenging material, but Ang said two men herding sheep was far more sexual than two men having sex on screen."



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Guest ReturnOfS

What is this website coming to?! All this talk of hotties Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall, and not a single pic of either of the two?! x(


Where is Les when we need him? :-)

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Guest ReturnOfS

What is this website coming to?! All this talk of hotties Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall, and not a single pic of either of the two?! x(


Where is Les when we need him? :-)

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RE: Cutting the gay kiss


That's simply ridiculous. I sincerely hope that Ms.Lee would not stoop so low. After all, this is a story about two young cowboys who have a homosexual LOVE affair. Not just sex (which Hollywood would gladly film) but love. Without that crucial aspect, there really is no story. Why would Ang Lee pick Brokeback Mountain out of Wyoming Stories to film if he was going to deny the very soul of the narrative?

He's going to indicate their love with scenes of Heath & Jake herding sheep?

That has a certain gentle, Buddhist sensibility, but as a coarse Westerner, I'd rather see kissing and fucking.



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Guest rohale

Not bad, Jake, Heath in a movie together. I read late last week that Jake and his agent are very concerned as how his image will look to the general movie buying audience and tinsletown. Still with these two hotties in mind, lets not forget to mention Toby, I think if he were thrown in the mix then a great threesome could cum out of it.



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RE: Cutting the gay kiss


This makes me fucking ill. Brokeback Mountain fits in beautifully with the top-tier of gay lit: Giovanni's Room, At Swim Two Boys, Brokeback. It's better than anything Edmund White's slapped together; I can't think of any gay literature I've encountered, and I've read most gay lit, that's better than Brokeback.



People talk about how Brokeback is about so much more than sex; besides almost all the sex is behind the scenes. Sure. But sex is at the heart of it, just as much as tragic love is, otherwise Annie wouldn't have rendered the physical scenes so powerfully: "Ennis woke in red dawn with his pants around his knees, a top-grade headache, and jack butted against him; without saying anything about it, both knew how it would go for the rest of the summer, sheep be damned" "They seized each other by the shoulders, hugged mightily, squeezing the breath out of each other, saying son of a bitch, son of a bitch; then as easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers, their mouths came together, and hard, Jack's big teeth bringing blood, his hat falling to the floor...wet saliva welling...still they clinched, pressing chest and groin and thigh and leg together...until they pulled apart to breathe" and, this is so hot, "The room tank of semen and smoke and sweat and whiskey, of old carpet and sour hay, saddle leather, shit and cheap soap." And, not sexual, but SO physical: "They stood that way for a long time in front of the fire..the shadows of their bodies a single column against the rock. Ennis rocked a little...Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat, the vibrations of the humming like faint electricity."


These two pussies, Jake and Heath, knew the story. To stay true to the story these are givens:


1. the characters kiss, deeply and more than once.

2. Physical rutting, even if artfully done so that we never actually see them nude in bed together.

3. They have to hold each other tenderly.



Otherwise, it's Hollywood shit. I don't know if anyone's still watching QAF but have noticed how little physical stuff "straight" Hal Sparks has been doing (final episode not withstanding)? I'm guessing that's because he wants to distance himself from the Fag stuff as he maneuvers into Hollywood (see his guest spots on VH-1 and Comedy Central).


I'm sure Annie Proulx was paid very well for rights to her story. Good for her. But she's, apparently, not gay, so this story, apart from the money and the awards it's brought, is just another story. Anne Rice didn't fight too hard when Tom Cruise was cast in Interview With A Vampire (ok, he turned out to be perfect, even w/o the homo-erotic elements removed at his, reported, request) and I don't expect Annie Proulx to freak out either. She'll just keep spinning gold from her disappointing house (see her journal) in Wyoming.


I know many of you drewl over Heath and Jake, and with good reason, they're sultry, but if they don't have the courage to allow this film to be rendered with at least 2 of those three elements, then fuck 'em. It's too bad pre-Bette Davis rules aren't in effect. Ang Lee could simply say: "you're doing it this way, or you're fired." Pussies.

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RE: Cutting the gay kiss


>This makes me fucking ill.... People talk about how Brokeback is about so much more than sex; besides almost all the sex is behind the scenes. Sure. But sex is at the heart of it, just as much as tragic love is, otherwise Annie wouldn't have rendered the physical scenes so



Yes, yes, yes! Not only does what I've read so far about Ang Lee and Jake Gyllenhall make me sick, it also makes me sick -- I mean, I actually feel a little nauseated -- to be confronted over and over again with the view that somehow the world is a better place because straight actors these days are playing gay roles. Hello? Ever heard of Rex Harrison and Richard Burton ("The Staircase," 1969)? Ugo Tognazzi and Michel Serrault ("La Cage aux Folles," 1978)? William Hurt ("Kiss of the Spider Woman," 1985)? Peter Finch ("Sunday Bloody Sunday," 1971)? And that list is straight off the top of my head. It could be much, much longer if I thought about it.


While it's true that Hollywood Hunks are taking on the roles of gay boys, it's equally true that they and their publicists are eager to make sure that the entire fucking world knows that these guys are NOT GAY in "real life." The reason that actors like Jake Gyllenhall and Heath Ledger are cast in movies like BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN has nothing whatsoever to do with art and everything to do with box office. People by the millions will flock to theaters to see Jake and Heath play at being gay, because what they will really be seeing is Jake and Heath, NOT the characters. Cast two equally goodlooking and talented, but relatively unknown, gay actors in those roles; they would play the piece as a work of art, including all the rolling around and smacky-lipping. But would any major studio put up the money for it? Not on your life.


I think it's time that gay men speak up about this. I don't know how to do it, or even what effect it would have. But, surely, there must be some way to stop what is a disgusting travesty. These bleached, lifeless, ball-free parodies of homosexual love and homosexual sex are no less disgusting to me than the racist parodies of the 1940s and '50s. A queer version of "Amos and Andy."

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>What is this website coming to?! All this talk of hotties

>Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall, and not a single pic of

>either of the two?! x(


>Where is Les when we need him? :-)


Ok, ok, keep your pants on.... Here are some pics of the hotties:


Jake Gyllenhaal:












Aaron Scott DC



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