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a date that i thought would NEVER happen!!!

Michael Wayne
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As of this morning gay marriage is officially and finally legal here in FLORIDA! Even though I was born in Texas I was raised here in conservative republican controlled Florida. I must say that this day is truly a miracle and I wish to thanks all of the crusaders who have worked so tirelessly over the years to accomplish this. I would have thought that I would walk on MARS before I ever had the right to legally marry in Florida. So.....as a thanks for what our great state has done let me take this opportunity to invite all of the forum members, lurkers, reviewers, clients etc to escape that wicked northern winter and vacation in one of our paradises down here. Happy new Year to all! MIKEY

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From my understanding, the judge did issue a stay on his ruling, until all the appeals can be heard. If this is correct, it is still a time to celebrate. Here is the article:




BVB- the article you have listed is from last August. There was a stay but it expired as of midnight this morning 1/06/2015. Gay marriage is currently the law of the land in Florida unless their Circuit Court Of Appeals decides to overturn Judge Hinkle's ruling. They are apparently considering cases right now, but they did not extend his stay which has now ended. The US Supreme Court could also rule against us eventually.


And according to Marriage Watch, there are Floridians still fighting against the gay marriage for absurd reasons. Here is the link




And an excerpt from the article


"But amazingly, a couple of anti-gay groups are calling this a victory, still claiming that marriage shouldn't start this week. Depending on who you listen to, they're saying that the judge has no authority, or the marriages should only be happening in one county, or only the couples who sued can get married. If that all sounds to weird to be true, it's probably because it isn't true. They're wrong. Marriage starts Tuesday of this week. Congratulations Florida."




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