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London - Lads

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It's a good website and has a great variety of guys working independently, so you should find some you like! As ever, it pays to be direct when you call the guy up and explain what you want.


Asking prices in London seem to climb higher, but I've found that there is flexibility on price when I book ahead & am flexible about timing. There are lots of guys working and this is a quiet time of year with few tourists, so don't hesitate to negotiate (respectfully).


You should also check out http://www.manaction.co.uk for a variety of independent guys. Also there are free gay weekly magazines available in gay shops and bars from Friday morning. Both "Boyz" and "QC" have explicit photos; QC's website has a slightly different name - http://www.qxmag.co.uk


I hope this helps. Have a good time!

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>:9 Thanks Ad, I'll be E mailing Stanislav today. Did not find

>anything about Billy on London Lads. Sending you a private

>message Ad.:+


Billy seems to have gone AWOL. You might try to find him on his gaydar site, but I don't have the address. Do a search, I might of pasted a link to it last Summer.

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