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Message layout style question

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Under preferences, there is a heading "Message layout style" and 3 options are given: dcf (which apparently is the default), classic, and ubb.


Can anyone tell me what this controls and the differences between the 3 options?


Also, I may have missed a message on it, but has HTML been disabled? HTML commands don't seem to be working for me.


Thanks for your help :7

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HTML per se has not been disabled. However, you need to enclose the html specifications in square brackets ( [ ... ] ) instead of angle brackets ( <...> ). Note: when I put the square brackets in the first set of parens, the software changes the display to angle brackets. The square brackets you want are generally the lower case characters on the keys that also contain the curly braces.


For example, writing this is bold with square brackets results in this:


this is bold


You can also use the heading specs (<h1> to <h6>), again substituting square brackets:


[h1]Heading at Level 1[/h1]

[h2]Heading at Level 2[/h2]

[h3]Heading at Level 3[/h3]

[h4]Heading at Level 4[/h4]

[h5]Heading at Level 5[/h5]

[h6]Heading at Level 6[/h6]


or use <hr> with square brackets to insert a horizontal rule:



However, only some of the font commands are effective. I could not find a way to change the color of the font to the green that you are so fond of. I suspect there may be a stylesheet getting in the way.


I hope this helps.


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>However, only some of the font commands are effective. I

>could not find a way to change the color of the font to the

>green that you are so fond of.


;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(


>I hope this helps.



[h1] THANKS BG, [h4] That's very helpful...and of course it was the font color I was most concerned about, but wasn't sure if I was messing up some how. Thanks for the help


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