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An interim guide to the new Campus, March 2007


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The 3 lap dance booths opposite the main bar have been replaced by the ATMs and video gambling machines, and the old video machine area further down is now a coat room.


A corridor runs down the center of the lap dance area, located behind the DJ; the entrance adjoins the stairs to the dancers’ private quarters. (It’s poorly lighted, easy to trip on the steps while returning from a hot lap dance.) On the stage side are a few “open” booths with wooden partitions rising to about shoulder height. Across the corridor are 10 comfortably furnished “closed” booths, separated from each other by wooden walls, and from the corridor by heavy, leather-like, floor-to-ceiling curtains. These are completely private once the curtains are closed. At least one is large enough to accommodate several dancers at once (and is used that way, according to my informants).


The official price seems to be $20/song in a closed booth, $10 in an open one, though I don’t see this posted anywhere. But, in fact, the pricing seems to be more fluid.


Over the course of my stay, I did lap dances with 3 different guys. I’ve known Dancer A for a while. He told me up front that he was still charging his old clients $10/song. He took me to a closed booth, drew the curtains, and went to town. We did nothing more than we had done in the old Campus (which was considerable!), but there was no worry about peering eyes; he was clearly much more comfortable with this new privacy. I guess I was too; I ended up staying longer than ever before.


Dancer B was new to me – a real cutie with a wonderful smile. He described the open/closed pricing and was ok with my choosing the $10 option. We were the only ones in the open booths and he was very interactive. Had there been other customers in the open area, we probably would have been more restricted in what we could do.


I’ve known Dancer C for a long time, though we’ve rarely gone to the back. I had enough confidence in him, nonetheless, to suggest a contract arrangement: I’d give him $50 up front and he could give me as much time as he thought was fair. He took me to a closed booth and we had a lot of fun. I have no idea how long we were back there; I certainly got my money’s worth.


These guys are savvy– they understand that it’s better to earn something at a lower rate than nothing at a higher one, and that a little flexibility is likely to keep clients coming back for more.

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