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BALTIMORE: Spectrum - new male nude strip club in Baltimore

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Guest Gringo

The intersection is Eastern Ave and Washington St. That's Eastern Ave about 5 blocks east of Broadway. Fells Point is a popular area and parking can be difficult, but not impossible.

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I've visited Spectrum three times now. Each time I found on-street parking within the block. It's certainly a small hole-in-the-wall but it has a certain charm. The neighborhor is safe and not intimidating.


The dancers remind me of those found at Heat, the recently closed DC strip club -- and I hated Heat. Most of the dancers are small in stature(both in body and cock size) and pretty effeminate. They seem to be enjoying themselves, most are enthusiastic dancers and several wear touches of costume. Although one should, there is no overt pressure to tip, and all of the staff (doormen, bartender, and dancers) are very friendly. I think the place has potential.


There is supposed to be an amateur dance contest on Thursdays at 1030pm and when you enter the doorman often gives you a raffle ticket; although as best I could tell, there is never a drawing. Beware of the early closing hour.


I wish Spectrum would get more variety in the dancers. It was certainly a first to see a black dancer in a Baltimore strip club, but I'd like to see a dancer with some muscle, a big cock - or especially a hard cock -- and perhaps some relatively masculine dancers.


I feel like the dancers at Spectrum are largely in their own world.

They are certainly not trying to be sexy -- for most they are coyly gyrating and frantically wiggling. On the first floor several dance simultaneously in a little central stage-pit area and despite the close proximity of the customers there is very little interplay between the customers and dancers. Last night customers didn't even hand the dancers their dollar tips -- the customers were throwing theme onto the floor of the dancing area.


Given the closing of the so many of the DC area strip & sex clubs and the most unfortunate closing of Club Atlantis, we who live in the Baltimore area hope for the best for Spectrum. There are few alternatives remaining.


My advice to the management is to better inform the dancers about the expectations of customers. While they are young and very pretty, most of the dancers seem to think they're doing a drag show. To me, they could be quite sexy, entertaining, and a fun place to spend time and money, but that's not the focus right now.

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