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411 on Tonythebottom

Jon Brown

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1 minute ago, Jon Brown said:

I’m inclined to think that he is older than 19 and that that photo is not recent, but I guess I may be wrong.

I’m in FL in a few weeks, I just might have to fall on this grenade for you boys!

Or fall into it :)

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I dunno.....speaks four languages at age 19?......summonsed to the UAE already with a four-day-old ad?.......could be "real", but there may be more to the story.....a West Palm forum member could try a 15-minute Starbuck's meet-and-greet for $50 and see what happens??

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Okay here are some MAJOR red flags.
1. 19 year olds do not have that type of thick muscle, even if they ARE on steroids.
2. I could believe 4 languages but not those 4. English , French , Russian and Spanish? No. French and Spanish are romance languages so they have a lot of similarities so I could see that if it is spoken in the household when he was growing up or whatever or even Russian if he moved to the U.S. when he was younger with his family or whatever but throw English into the mix and It's a tough sell to see 3 out of 4 of those languages being spoken in the home and then he picked up English when he moved here.
3. no face is usually not a great sign and also would definitely show he was not 19.
4. A strict bottom who is into Fisting and WS at 19? That's WAYYYY advanced for someone supposedly that young. Either he is in his mid 20's or this whole ad is a scam.
My opinion? This AD is as fake as a Kardashian's personality.

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