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Saw this new profile of an individual in Kansas City. He evidently used to be in New York. Based on his blog.  Great pictures. 

he does not have any reviews, I normally do not like taking a bullet  visiting somebody with no information.

anybody ever seen this individual in New York or Kansas City 


Edited by Kcdave
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I saw him a couple of months ago. The massage was nothing special. Mostly just rubbing. And the ending was happy enough, but it didn’t really feel like his heart was in it. Oh, and he’s quite little (height-wise). Much smaller than he appears in his pictures. With all that said, he’s a very nice guy.

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I was going to meet up with him and he seemed professional enough. I got really sick (fever, etc) the night before and let him know that I was canceling so as not to get him sick, and offered $100 ($30 less than his rate) for the cancellation. He just replied “Ok. When are you going to send it?” No “hope you get better”, “thanks for letting me know”, or whatever, or even confirmation he got it. Struck me as sort of transactional.

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6 hours ago, peanutbrittle said:

I was going to meet up with him and he seemed professional enough. I got really sick (fever, etc) the night before and let him know that I was canceling so as not to get him sick, and offered $100 ($30 less than his rate) for the cancellation. He just replied “Ok. When are you going to send it?” No “hope you get better”, “thanks for letting me know”, or whatever, or even confirmation he got it. Struck me as sort of transactional.

In my opinion you are expecting too much from somebody you have never met. I applaud you for giving him a heads-up and sending a cancellation fee. Have done so myself in the past when my plans changed.  It is likely he will be more personable once he actually meets you. 

I do hope you are feeling better or at least, well on your way to recovery. 🙂

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