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Spas in NYC

Guy Fawkes

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I've gone into various spas for walk-in appointments and usually just go with whomever walks into the room. If you don't have an appointment with someone specific, is there a way to choose the therapist you'd like for your massage when you walk in? How would that work? Is it bad form to ask? I somehow can't picture a situation where they parade the available masseurs out in front of me for selection.

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I've gone into various spas for walk-in appointments and usually just go with whomever walks into the room. If you don't have an appointment with someone specific, is there a way to choose the therapist you'd like for your massage when you walk in? How would that work? Is it bad form to ask? I somehow can't picture a situation where they parade the available masseurs out in front of me for selection.

If you desire a specific masseur at a spa, the best course of action is to call ahead and set up an appointment with that masseur. Otherwise, the likelihood of that masseur being available for walk-ins is slim to none especially if he is popular. It puts you in an awkward situation to walk in, find out your masseur is unavailable or not working that day and you are offered other available masseurs. The spa does not want to lose your business while other masseurs are ready and willing to service you.

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If you desire a specific masseur at a spa, the best course of action is to call ahead and set up an appointment with that masseur. Otherwise, the likelihood of that masseur being available for walk-ins is slim to none especially if he is popular. It puts you in an awkward situation to walk in, find out your masseur is unavailable or not working that day and you are offered other available masseurs. The spa does not want to lose your business while other masseurs are ready and willing to service you.

So would I then ask to check out the guys that are available, to see which one I want for the massage? Without knowing a specific masseur, I'd just be going on looks I assume.

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So would I then ask to check out the guys that are available, to see which one I want for the massage? Without knowing a specific masseur, I'd just be going on looks I assume.

Not necessarily - it depends on the spa. There may only be one available masseur for a walk-in, and that's who you will be assigned.

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So would I then ask to check out the guys that are available, to see which one I want for the massage? Without knowing a specific masseur, I'd just be going on looks I assume.

I was told by one of the masseurs that they dislike the idea of being paraded like that. I suggest you do your research beforehand and make an appointment.

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I've gone into various spas for walk-in appointments and usually just go with whomever walks into the room. If you don't have an appointment with someone specific, is there a way to choose the therapist you'd like for your massage when you walk in? How would that work? Is it bad form to ask? I somehow can't picture a situation where they parade the available masseurs out in front of me for selection.

You have to visit Bangkok, Thailand for that level of service :)

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oh man, I think I would find that so awkward! I’d probably squirm and pick someone really quick lol

Exactly, only one time in NYC was I presented with a lineup to choose from... when Super Men Spa first opened. Soooo awk looking three guys over. Alas, I chose wrong. Horrible inexperienced cutie. At Yu Ping, some times when you walk in the guys are sitting around and the chatty manager asks you what kind of massage you, then describes and points to certain guys. I always say “strong and deep” and he will say so and so “will be perfect for you.” Much more comfortable situation.

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At Energy Men Spa I’ve been offered to see a lineup too, over phone and in person. Felt awkward about it so I didn’t take them up on it, but wish I did cause the one time I went they did a bait and switch over the Scruff app and I ended up with someone who wasn’t the person that was in the app. (Also he wiped me down with really smelly towels... Not planning on ever going back.)

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I will NEVER forget once I was working for a week in Toronto (23/24 years ago, I was in my 30s and quite cute and hot :) ), I walked throughout the gay area and I see a place with a sign "Massage for men". I was a bit shy, so I collected my fears and walked in. I asked for a massage, they gave me the price (I think 50 CAN$) and told me there were two available masseurs, both seated in the hall. One was a gorgeous Italian American in his early 30s, handsome, built like a brick house underneath his tight jeans and t shirt. I don't even remember the other, as I was mesmerized by this guy. He actually winked at me while I was making "the choice", and OF COURSE I pointed at him. I still remember his name (ok..), Frank. Once in the room and undressed (he kept his underwear on), he started to clearly make me understand he was getting hard, he bent towards my ear and told me that for 50 more we could have had lots fun. It was an AMAZING full sex experience. I still remember him vividly after all these years!

Someone from Toronto remembers that place (I bet it doesn't exist anymore...) ?

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I might have to try this "Energy men spa" place out soon, since it's near where I work. Anyone that wants to share their experiences @ ENERGY, please feel free to PM me. In return, I can offer details on my recent experiences at nearby "Living Fresh Men's spa"

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I'm wondering how many of these places are going to fold due to the lockdown. 3+ months of no income and Manhattan rent is not a good combo. OTOH commercial real estate is taking a dive so maybe their landlords will give them a break to stay where they are.

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