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411 BlockJockHands in Cleveland


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I went for it with no recoms. B- tech mssg, A- sensu/erotic, F for time. He’s nude and sensual from the get go, always edging toward HE. Blew, showered and out the door in 45 minutes. If you’re looking for a relaxing uber sensual time, he’s your guy assuming you have holding stamina. Nice guy, pics all current. PM for more.

Edited by EVdude
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  • 2 years later...

I went for it with no recoms. B- tech mssg, A- sensu/erotic, F for time. He’s nude and sensual from the get go, always edging toward HE. Blew, showered and out the door in 45 minutes. If you’re looking for a relaxing uber sensual time, he’s your guy assuming you have holding stamina. Nice guy, pics all current. PM for more.


True but then again its only $75 bucks so...

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  • 1 year later...

Keep in mind I saw him two years ago in Cleveland......DO NOT TRUST HIM....I did not review him then as I did not of this site......The massage was okay but not greatand he decided to enjoy himself some ways I was not inclined for. Not that I mind somebody using their mouth to massage me but you've got to be very very hotAnd my type. Anyhow I disgress....Kathy, oops I was thinking of chatty Kathy, began to tell me of how not only gays, but some straight men (imagine that) come to him for multiple sessions including prominent folk who live in Cleveland. He dropped a name of a very hot guy. I was totally taken aback. I didn't even respond. The hot guy is married. AND MY BOSS!!!!!!!  I have since moved but for over a year I hated my boss as he knew I was gayer than a imaginary three dollar bill and I to this day have to imagine what it would be like with him. A mouth massage I would enjoy.

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