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Everything posted by Lookin

  1. Just as you say. Seems like a perfect time for a little increase in the Federal gas tax, which has been stuck at 18.4¢ since 1993, and is no longer enough to keep the Federal Highway Trust Fund solvent. http://www.dot.gov/highway-trust-fund-ticker http://www.dot.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/pictures/HTF-Cash-Flow-Summary-through-06-27-14-End-of-Month-Cash-Balances-Graph.jpg Anyone who saw the 60 Minutes segment on deteriorating infrastructure last night knows that it's way past time to get back to fixing roads and bridges in the U. S. http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2007/08/03/522699be-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/resize/620x465/e8e68d893c20f27939a6ca7ff7615e8e/image3130338.jpg A survey shows that 52% of folks surveyed by AAA are ready for a 12¢ increase, and this would seem like a perfect time for Congress to act. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/bump-at-the-pump-senators-propose-a-12-cent-hike-in-federal-gas-tax/2014/06/18/0eb5b4b2-f702-11e3-a606-946fd632f9f1_story.html
  2. $2.80 a few miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Never thought I'd see the day! http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/whistle.png
  3. One guy liked it so much, he asked if I was really just using my tongue. I fibbed and told him 'yes'. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif http://media.giphy.com/media/1TBnbnnZeOgs8/giphy.gif
  4. Whole leaf or shredded? http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
  5. Thanks, Guys! Just what I wanted to know. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.png Yes, I finally figured this out a year ago. Before that, I had to get friends over to help me. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif http://i3.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/400/draft_lens19826721module162225425photo_1349414321.gif
  6. Natural, crunchy for me hands down. Costco had the best I ever ate, under their Kirkland label, but it was withdrawn for salmonella a couple of weeks after I polished off my last jar. The company that made it for them was based in New Mexico where, I understand, the best Valencia peanuts are grown. Even though the company cleaned up their plant, Costco let them go bankrupt two years ago and I've given up ever finding a peanut butter as good. The current Costco product has half the flavor of the old one. (Still, the worst peanut butter I ever had was pretty good. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif ) Question for you nutritionists: The organic stuff always has a layer of peanut oil on top and I've been pouring off half of it before mixing the remainder back in. I creates a thicker, tastier, product with less oil but I'm wondering if I'm throwing away some good nutrition. What say you? Thanks for any insights.
  7. Lookin


    Even with all the things still unknown, I think this statement will stand the test of time. And, hopefully, it will be a fundamental part of future police training.
  8. According to this blog, Strelkov tweeted an hour and a half earlier that they had shot down what he thought was an An-26 military transport aircraft. "We warned them not to fly in our skies.", said the tweet. After it was reported that a Malaysian aircraft was down, the tweet was deleted. Although alleged screen caps are still available, one poster thought it was a 'transparent fake'. I guess time will tell. From what I understand, commercial planes weren't supposed to be flying in that airspace below 32,000 feet. The Malaysian plane was flying at 33,000 feet. The assumption was that no rebel group had a missile that could fire that high. Now, lesson learned, that airspace is totally closed to commercial traffic. I'm wondering if this is the beginning of an era when a lot more commercial aircraft might become missile bait. There's little doubt that some pretty heavy duty weapons are getting into broader distribution and outside the control of any so-called "responsible" government. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif
  9. Well, I'm a male Libra and I'm very often gay. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif I try not to be common though. http://i1.cdnds.net/12/48/618x871/screen-shot-2012-11-27-at-143330.jpg
  10. Libra and gay here. Not sure if there's a connection, but I do take the typical Libra pleasure in looking at things from both sides. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lf6lkpx1h21qfkd7no1_500.jpg
  11. Room for one more? http://images.digitalspy.co.uk/07/52/550x700_gayspy_calendar2008_edspeelers.jpg ( ↓ Mouse over, if you're not a Downton Abbey fan ↓ ) Ed Speleers - plays Jimmy Kent, the new Footman
  12. http://st-listas.20minutos.es/images/2011-05/290397/3027576_640px.jpg http://thebosh.com/upload/2008/12/02/sienna_miller_dating_actor_josh_hartnett/Josh-Hartnett.jpg http://images.topiat.com/images/39918/originals/090520120615/dave-franco-immaculate-in-magazine.jpg
  13. http://economy.blog.ocregister.com/files/2009/12/guy-on-phone-lrg.jpg Also, better bring a note from your therapist stating you're free of delusions of grandeur, quirks, tics, and passive aggressive behaviors, and that you're not a complete asshole.
  14. You should probably stop badgering Ahmadinejad too. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t357/Thanh247/New-Yorker-Bcover.jpg
  15. Here's the old thread, started a decade ago by Talvin DiMachio. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif I regret not hiring him before he retired, and I regret not buying more gas when it was under two bucks in San Francisco. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif And 89¢ in Virginia! Yikes!!
  16. I'd like to be hiding in a coral reef when he swam by. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif http://www.teenidols2000.com/sti/actors/aames_willie/aames_willie_s08.jpg
  17. I was fourteen and on the fence. Then I saw Tony Dow. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif http://revart.blogs.com/minister_of_rants/images/2007/04/15/yunu_celeb_movie_tony_dow3.jpg
  18. Good one! http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.png Thanks!
  19. I used to go down to the local community college and try to get pickup games going. But they got mad that I won all the time. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/kiss.png
  20. I actually met a Canadian sucker once. He considered himself a rarity. He was very popular with his fellow loggers, and was wearing a pair of Nike Dunks which they had given him as a token of their appreciation. http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn288/fashionblogger/nike_dunk_undefeated.jpg
  21. Indeed it does. I should probably have said 'Effective ad!', rather than 'Good ad!', to avoid implying a favorable value judgement of what Nike is doing, or what Woods is doing. They are both following the money, which often goes unquestioned in a 'free market economy'. In my opinion, it's up to us, as consumers, to question the hype, as you did, and resist basing our buying decisions on celebrity endorsements. If enough people react as you do, Woods will finally lose his value as a 'role model'. Until then, Nike will do what Nike does, retie their lucky fly, and hope there are still plenty of fish who will bite. http://flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/blackhillsbrown3.gif
  22. Good ad! Tiger is getting a public spanking. If this ad moves his image positive in the polls, Nike's got its spokesman back. If this one redeems him just part way, the next ad might have his father calling him out to the woodshed. http://canuckjihad.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/collins_school-woodshed.jpg -{noises off}
  23. #5, Bulwar-Lytton contest "Although Sarah had an abnormal fear of mice, it did not keep her from eeking out a living at a local pet store."
  24. Sad to say, I think you're right. I think I understand the system. Nike pays him a hundred million dollars because they think we'll pay them more than that in higher prices. None of the extra dollars we pay go into a better product. We get nothing for our money, except possibly the fantasy that we're going to play a better game of golf, or pick up a Swedish model in the clubhouse, because we're wearing ol' Tiger's brand. But it is a fantasy. Multidimensional perhaps, and probably different for each person. We pay our extra ten bucks for Nike, and we get our Tiger fantasy. And then Tiger does something tacky and our fantasy is blown to hell. Ten bucks down the drain. The best we can do is try to get a few bucks worth of schadenfreude out of it as we slip off our Nike's. No question that Nike packaged the fantasy, and did their best to encourage us to buy in to it. And no question that Tiger tried to play his part, even though the role was beyond him. But I can't tell Nike what to do, and I can't tell Woods what to do. I can only tell myself what to do. And what I'm telling myself is: Don't buy a product on the say-so of a paid endorser. It's money down the drain. If we all stop paying extra for a fantasy, then the endorsement industry will collapse. If we don't, it won't. The ball's in our court. Disclosure: There's only one product I've ever bought because of the face on the package, and would do so again in a heartbeat. I just know he's not the cheatin' kind. http://www.jimgoad.net/images/brawnyguy.jpg
  25. You called the problem a "smudge", which sounds to me like it's a larger artifact than just one bad pixel, or even a few. Some monitor manufacturers tell you that they won't be responsible for a bad pixel or two; that it's just part of the draw. But a "smudge" sounds like a component or manufacturing flaw, and they should be responsible for that. Actually, they should be responsible for bad pixels too, in my opinion, but you may have to be a bit more determined in your request. I'd suggest checking your specific model number on Google, searching for "smudge problem" or "pixel problem". If you find other owners with the same problem, it may help you in getting a satisfactory resolution from Best Buy. For example, if your monitor model has lots of problems with dead pixels, you may want them to exchange it for a different model. Or, if you see a bunch of issues with smudges, it may be a specific serial number range that has the problem, and you'll want a replacement from a newer serial number range. I have a Sony TV model that was reported to have an issue with "clouds" in dark scenes; the problem was limited to units produced before December, 2007, so I made sure to get one manufactured after that date. Just a few bits of hard-won experience, and all good wishes. As always, it pays to be an informed shopper!
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