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Everything posted by kevininsa

  1. I've seen his ad for long stretches in either Austin or San Antonio. Since he mentions his willingness to travel in the first paragraph, I'm guessing those are preferred travel cities maybe?
  2. There's been a couple of threads on them in the past, you would have to search for them. I believe Jared is the gay twin and Jake is the str8 twin... seems to me it was reported that he is more limited on what he will do.
  3. Took the plunge on Valent the other day. He didn't make my top 5 list, but I had fun time with him. I'm not sure if I'm taking the time for a review. He leaves town in a couple of weeks and I think he's going back home (out of the country). But if anyone has info on the other three, I'll still take it. Happy New Year everybody!
  4. Does anyone have any info on these guys? I might be in a hiring mood this holiday season. Austin: https://rent.men/Valentscl https://rent.men/Todd_Jamison SA: https://rent.men/Dal (unfortunately gone until the new year) https://rent.men/Angelone Your knowledge and help is appreciated! Merry Christmas!
  5. Snacking: Pistachios... sometimes Planter's Pistachio, Almond, Cashew mix. Baking: Pecans over walnuts. Always.
  6. Well said. Thanks for sharing BB.
  7. I just have to say, for someone who purports to be 23 years old, you seem to have such awesome marketing skills and knowledge. I guess it's a good thing you work in an industry that attempts to fly under the radar. Because what you are suggesting is known as "price-fixing". In most industries it is illegal, and were this a legitimate trade you would be getting called on by the FTC about now. Illegal or not, it's a poor way of conducting your business. And as someone else said, just you trying to stop being undercut.
  8. Setting aside the arrogant responses of one who clearly knows everything about the business, nobody has really answered the original question. Where will you advertise if we lose internet advertising? It is my understanding that there used to be some magazines, newspapers or something and guys used before the internet without having to spend hours in a hotel bar. That was, and still is, the question.
  9. I hate it when I'm the one who's naive. But if all this gets signed and happens, then what? I never hired before the internet. Where do the advertisers advertise? Where do the clients find their providers? And if the answer is obvious, please just answer the question anyway.
  10. I think blunt is the only thing you can do. "Hey, as Sunday approaches I realize that I'm confused and am not sure what we're doing? Is this an appt? a friendly get-together? I've missed something and don't want to make any assumptions. Apologies if I'm just being dense." Good luck!
  11. And what's the point in referencing an instagram account that hasn't been used in 2 years, nor has pictures of you?
  12. I never claimed to dictate how he should do his job. I was trying to understand because it didn't make sense to me. And without contacting him, I thought perhaps I could gain some insight by asking here. I wasn't hateful, I wasn't spiteful. And I didn't ridicule anyone's response.
  13. I wouldn't say that I hope they will contact me. It just opens up the possibility which is easier for me. As in this instance, I was about to email him through RM until I couldn't. But thanks for the insight. And interestingly enough, 2 of my last 6 hires contacted me while I was shopping the ads. Would have been 3 of 7 except our schedules clashed.
  14. This. This is what I find so incredibly odd. He couldn't be blocking based on type since my profile doesn't give any information. I realize there's no answer without asking him. I was just annoyed at the time. And whoever asked if I would still contact him in another fashion, no. If he wants to categorically dissuade business, who am I to stop him?
  15. Thanks. My profile is fairly blank. I know there's no real answer that anybody except the guy himself can provide. I guess I just posted in a moment of frustration. A couple of presumed answers were better than no answer at all. If nothing else, Kevin Slater's answer gave me a chuckle.
  16. I don't hire very often. I treat myself 2-3 times a year. As such, and because I am very shy, I will peruse the ads for a week or two before I decide who to hire. (It's usually when I'm traveling.) So after a week of glancing through ads I finally decide who I think I want to contact; and he's blocked me on RM. Most times I go through ads not logged in, but when I'm close to deciding I'm looking through them logged in... because sometimes they'll reach out to me and it's easier on my shyness. So I had his ad pulled up, thought maybe I would reach out, logged in... and blocked. Ad will not display if I am logged in. I had never contacted him before. He doesn't know me. I had probably pulled up his ad 5-6 times over the past 2 weeks. (logged in, so he saw me) I don't get it. I know. Move on. yada yada yada I will. But I just don't understand.
  17. I remember scheduling with Brian apparently right when they were breaking up. We had a date set, but he cancelled his trip and then pulled his ad. I regret I hadn't tried to meet him sooner. And Baller: I love your updates. Thank you for this little peak into your journey. You narrate so well, I begin to invest in the story. Now I look for your updates. I wish you the best!
  18. I just sent Daddy an email about this before coming to the forum.
  19. Open the conversation and "Leave the conversation" I don't know of any way to leave multiples at once which would probably be easier.
  20. He sent me a message through RM the day after I had viewed his ad. Was very nice. Wanting to know if I was interested. I was, but he was leaving before my schedule would allow. Otherwise I would have probably hired him.
  21. And for just favorite fast food, I would have to lead with Chipotle and then maybe Jimmy John's. And in South Texas, Bill Miller's BBQ, though I'm not that fond of their brisket or sauce, I love most of the rest of their food.
  22. I totally and completely agree with you. Tried them once, never again. 5 Guys burgers are ok, and you're right, they have really good fries. I used to like What-a-burger's burgers, but they just don't seem to compare to those of yesteryear.
  23. You have an awesome family. Thank you for sharing. It really has been a great story and I look forward to the next installments.
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