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Posts posted by lookin4hotties

  1. We get the Hallmark Channel and also the super schmaltz Hallmark Movie Channel.


    I really like watching the Hallmark Movie Channel at like 3:00 am if I can't sleep. Right now I think it's back-to-back Christmas in July.


    The Christmas movies are all shot in Canada in the fall with fake snow. They all have plots like the hunky young carpenter who's wife died helps a single mom with her plumbing leak after she promised herself she would never fall in love again. Oh, but then he just happens to surprise her with a Christmas tree delivered by a 6-horse sled just before Christmas after the last Christmas tree gets sold from her small town's only Christmas tree lot. They're all schmaltzingly romantic despite the botlike dialogue and great to watch late at night after many beverages have been consumed. The guys are all hot.

  2. Today, President Trump signed the SESTA-FOSTA Bill (Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act / Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act):


    To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to clarify that section 230 of that Act does not prohibit the enforcement against providers and users of interactive computer services of Federal and State criminal and civil law relating to sex trafficking.


    From Mercury News:


    The bill amends parts of four federal laws, beginning with clarifying that the Communications Decency Act “was never intended to provide legal protection to websites that unlawfully promote and facilitate prostitution.” It adds a clause to the decency act that makes clear it has no effect on civil suits or state criminal cases related to federal sex trafficking crimes. FOSTA amends the “Mann Act,” prohibiting interstate prostitution, by adding adding a new section prohibiting using a website to “promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person.”


    The bill also amends the law on sex trafficking of children to clarify “participating in a venture” as “knowingly assisting, supporting or facilitating a violation” of the law. And FOSTA creates the ability for state attorneys general to bring civil suits against violators of federal prostitution laws. Anti-trafficking advocates had felt that federal authorities were sometimes slow to pursue violators, and state attorneys general have long denounced sites like Backpage without being able to take action.




    Another interesting article with comments in Mercury News today:




    There will be a lot of unforeseen consequences. According to a user comment on one of the articles, it appears that large companies like Facebook may also be able to use the new law to force out competitors by using a weakened Section 230 to enforce copyright claims. This will create an oligarchy of a few providers hosting or sponsoring user-generated content with smaller websites getting copyright-striked into oblivion.


    FOSTA not only enables state attorney's general to sue websites directly for "promoting trafficking", but may also lead to mass enforcement of the Mann Act (which Wikipedia describes as "interstate or foreign commerce transport of 'any woman or girl' for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose").


    I wonder what the future holds...



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