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Physical Empath

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Posts posted by Physical Empath

  1. Thanks @fm0322, and what was the masseur's reaction/comment?

    As a massage therapist I understand that the most important thing is for the person on the table to feel safe secure and not be self-conscious and it is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best some people are blessed with walking around with a 3/4 hard on all day long I kind of like Teddy Roosevelt walk softly and carry a big stick it's nice to show your potential without having make a big deal out of it smack it down on the table LOL Anyway if you feel comfortable wearing that then the massage is going to be so much better I don't do The Spa Thing anymore its too regimented and too much of a disconnect between myself and you on the table and it's written into the protocols leaving no room for extenuating circumstances or mutual agreement which means you would never be able to wear that cock ring because your therapist might be thin-skinned taking offense at everything and the biggest nightmare of all self-centered because that's supposed to be focusing on you I've seen therapists storm out of the room I thought you might had an attitude or sense of entitlement and on the flip side can a regular spot if someone else saw you wearing your cock ring there's a good chance they're going to file a complaint because of their own dirty mind and what they imagined was going on in there but it was the cast shame upon it or they were jealous that they didn't get any themselves. I'd rather build a rapport with a Private Client who's on the same page and don't have to worry about protocols because you make them up yourselves

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