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Posts posted by Alisterxxx

  1. Hi Pumpkin! You're cute!


    Bottom client here, so I consider myself qualified to advise a top escort about what we bottom clients want to see on a RM Profile:


    At 20, your young age is one of your greatest assets as it's equated in our minds to higher stamina, and loads to feed us. Capitalize on that, do as others have suggested, and see what other "Twink Tops" (which is your current niche) are charging and see if your age/body or other assets allow you to go over $250, especially in a market like New York where you can fins big spenders. One hint to pay attention to: if clients start to tip you often without you asking or suggesting it, It means you are delivering something others don't. Then you can make your base rate+tip your new base rate until you reach a rate max point where to establish yourself in the market.


    Something that you can use right now is your natural lean body. You are at that age where it's so pleasant to see a natural young body that hasn't been exposed to heavy weightlifting yet. Some clients like that, so to take advantage of it, take more pictures nake or just wearing underwear. You can also 1 or 2 pics of your wearing clothes that accentuate the best attributes of your body in a manly way. While I understand that people at your age are often attracted to the aesthetics of anime and manga, it sends some mixed signals if we see a top wearing tight "sailor" or "flight attendant" costumes. You picture the rude image of a construction worker, or a skater / videogamer, or a college student, or even a hipster or a nerd guy and that is something that would definitely entice us much more to give you a try.


    I see your pic #3 shows your as**ole. Unless you want to market yourself as Top/Vers I would remove this picture as some (not all) bottom clients prefer total tops and top/vers for us equals versatile.


    Then, thinking of the future I would recommend getting into fitness and building up so muscle WITHOUT GOING CRAZY OR USING STEROIDS as it definitely will bring you many more clients. Building a lean muscled body will definitely look great on you.


    Include at least 3 to 5 pictures of your hard cock in different angles. We love to see it in different poses. Soft cocks are ok but just 1 pic of that kind is more than enough. I want to see many pics and videos of your hard cock, or your hard cock throbbing inside your underwear. Also, a very good selling point for us is a cumshot video and videos of you topping another guy.


    Now things we don't want to see: PNP, either stated on your profile or visible in your face and body. Please don't fall for that and stay away of it as if it was venom because it literally is a DEATH SENTENCE.


    I'll add more later if I get new ideas.

    Ugh this is definitely going to make me actually use my ring light. I died when I saw ur profile pic of Peter in those nails lmaoooo! Ur right about the costume. I've been an escort for officially 3 weeks tomorrow so I should get a good college boy aesthetic on my profile now that I know this is what I want to do while I'm in nursing school.

  2. Welcome to the forum! You have a great ad and very hot pics! Unfortunately for me you're a top! ? I'm sure you will get lots of feedback on here but I know for me the first thing I look for is how recently you have updated your pictures. Guys who start having pictures that are 2 or 3 years old with no new ones is a big turn off.

    Thanks for typing that out! Side note: do u think charging 250 is too much? I just got turned away for it and ugh it kills me every time cuz like I know they would say yes to 150

  3. Hey y’all! A client of mine, my first one actually, showed me this review site to help me with getting better acquainted with the industry. Since then I’ve had about 5 clients and I’m loving it. I do get rapid tested for covid once every week. Anywho, what do y’all like to see on an RM profile? I’ve been keeping a list of cute/sexy pics from other profiles that I'd like to eventually recreate but I’m considering platinum as well. I did invest in sponser but I don’t think it’s worth it tbh. Here’s my site for reference: (sorry that this looks like a cheap shot to advertise ?)




    Update: I started bottoming, redid all of my pics using a ring light and my iPhone 12 Pro, and paid for platinum. It worked out I’m getting a lot more clients! Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread or sent me a message thru here or on rm!!

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