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Everything posted by Fairmount

  1. Anyone know of good male escorts in the Philadelphia area?
  2. Casey is on Rentmen these days.. Seems to be asking for large deposit. Anyione have an opinion whether he can be trusted ?
  3. Fairmount


    Is this the Cameron Matthews who runs a wrestling website ?
  4. Fairmount


    Anyone ever had contact with SugarXPie located in Miami? Any information would be appreciated.
  5. Sounds like these managers may end up losing business for their clients in the long run. If it is their actions that are creating "no shows" and bad relations with clients, the escorts may need to step up and clean up the situation.
  6. Why do you think Charlie Miles (or some agent on his behalf) would be pleasant and responsive when a meet up is being scheduled but then fail to be available at the scheduled time? And with no explanation offered ? Just bad manners? Ego issues? Gets a kick out of being rude ?
  7. So, contacting him to get together is not a good idea ?
  8. What caused his move to California? Job problems ? Marriage issues?Lousy weather in the NE ?
  9. Any feedback on his looks, personality? Is he muscular?
  10. Fairmount


    Some of these guys have handlers? Why? What does a handler provide for them,?
  11. TXMSCL has seemingly vanished completely from the scene. Anyone know what is up with him ?
  12. No, not the guy. The Cameron guy I asked about is older and has a scruffy beard.
  13. Has anyone ever met up with Cameron Mattthews or know someone who did ? Does he only wrestle or are there other activities he does (G rated or otherwise) ?
  14. Did Dexterflex come across to you as a normal guy? Or did he seem focused on himself only?
  15. Fairmount


    Hello. Can you tell me if MitchelPaul is a student? He seems to be traveling all the time and I can’t quite figure that out. Thank you
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