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Posts posted by zboss

  1. would normally respect the fact that this sometimes happens and take the posters word for it, and I am not a fan of getting into a back and forth over it. but tbh I don’t want xxx slandered on here, as I know from personal experience how great of a guy he is and this just straight up is not his character.


    I asked him about this situation and he clearly stated that there was no meeting locked in, he said a general area of where he was (a circle) but no specific address. he was busy at the time of the next message so he didnt respond, and then since there was no locked in meeting ever organized he took on another client. since he is in another city visiting hes making the most of his time and cant be expected to just wait around on potential clients if they don’t confirm, honestly don’t blame him at all after hearing his side.


    takeaway: i still 100% vouge for xxx hes great and don’t let this negative thread shy you away



  2. oh yeah no I hear ya there, ur right about that for sure... my sentiment was more based on straight up blocking me afterwards, could have easily responded with that and I would have tried to work it out as I was very interested and not wasting time at all. Probably enough to see him afterwards regardless of my prefered preference to be first in line of the day at that...

  3. tried to meet up with him talked for a bit, after initially seeming to lock in meeting with either that night or next day pending, i asked if he was seeing anyone that day and if so id prefer to be first the following day as I like to be the first of the day, don’t think theres anything wrong with that at all. guess he did not like that and blocked my number. not a nice guy in my book.

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