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Everything posted by honcho

  1. width=715pxhttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IrA6E2wA9IA/X9QmTVuC2GI/AAAAAAAGoVM/1yjLY0KCH2s7qvMpNfFVczO2iKlWtFXPgCLcBGAsYHQ/s928/Screen%2BShot%2B2020-12-11%2Bat%2B9.46.17%2BAM.png[/img]
  2. Not sure if it falls within the expert's scenarios... @whipped guy, @honcho, or even @Just966... I wouldn't call myself an expert, but to my enthusiast's eye it counts as a leather scene and also worthy of cross-posting in this thread.
  3. I am a member of the board of directors [10 directors] of a community orchestra that has been going on for 53 years. I ran for board of another community musical group recently making known my disagreement with their policies and was not elected, but in no way could I say that either is a dictatorship and both seem to be pretty efficient in achieving their missions. So I heartily agree with lonely_john.
  4. width=969pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/a224c6eb875c5f69f0a3abc7ca408401/3842d067934bb9f0-f1/s1280x1920/570e63b6813f53a28160857ee57bf6f3094bcb9f.png[/img]
  5. Thank you for the reminder. I'm glad you made the post, but the content is so dire I can't bring myself to "like" or "applaud" it.
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