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Everything posted by honcho

  1. And a veritable sea of smiles
  2. I'm so sorry to learn of this major health challenge on top everything else that's happening ... I will certainly keep you in my positive thoughts, and will visuallize the best and speediest possible outcome.
  3. width=969pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/4acd06f32fb3db12f5248aa7871fb871/0d8bc748b48eb9e5-06/s1280x1920/2b1279d9a816d8484792d70fbc3effde214c7cdc.jpg[/img]
  4. I FOUND the Beef ! the bearded guy behind him scratching the back of his head ain't so bad either...
  5. but I think he is so much better looking with medium length hair:
  6. Any organic chemists here? I looked up diagrams for caffeine, THC and testosterone, and it's not that, I found one of an endorphin that has shares some features but doesn't have the big loop:
  7. width=778px https://64.media.tumblr.com/cc5e39d7d42ad88b4065caa65c307790/e651393debc24305-0c/s640x960/cc1a8ce92a8f59808dc069aeec628c6a7ca7b5d4.jpg[/img]
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