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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Liam

    Barbra Streisand

    There’s so many more, this is a thread about Barbra Streisand. Please feel free to contribute here.
  2. It was the concert that brought her back and because of that we can only watch it In segments. [MEDIA=dailymotion]x2h819c[/MEDIA]
  3. Perhaps from someone like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp? [MEDIA=twitter]1283899213680717825[/MEDIA] I wonder if people like @BnaC are concerned about mandated mask wearing to protect people during a pandemic.
  4. LOL, Karl Rove? You must really be a repressed republican homosexual to bring him into this conversation. But that’s always been kind of what many people have always thought about you, because you have always been just so… uninvolved in our community which you make your dollars from.
  5. Your ego cannot protect you from this contagion. You can advertise yourself as much as you may want to. But anyone that hires here right now would be a fool. You’re just as contagious as the last person you flew into for for your next trick. You’re as dangerous as the next person you may hook up with on Grindr or anywhere else.
  6. Everyone knows what you do. It’s Interesting that you Chime in here now when people are only attempting to protect themselves from a contagious Pandemic.
  7. I’m surprised you weren’t so disciplined when you were outing other escort’s HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhea status. But that was a different time, wasn’t it?
  8. Yes, why yes I am. I AM KAREN. lol. If you weren’t so ignorant you would realize that people labeled Karen do you things like this. Perhaps you’re one of them. [MEDIA=twitter]1280084856265945088[/MEDIA]
  9. Sorry to of rattled your feathers, I believe in the science that is before us. I could give a shit if you’re on the clock or not. It doesn’t really matter to me at all. Perhaps you find people wearing masks in close settings, and distancing themselves from other people when possible, offends you as well. Your math is selfish because it only pertains to you
  10. Liam

    Grindr Question

    Yes! Let’s avoid any inconveniences in unsafe behavior during this pandemic to appease the complainers about....”advertising”
  11. with all due respect sir, you were much smarter when you were advocating for safer sex when you tested positive for HIV.
  12. Liam

    Grindr Question

    Leave it to the gays to complain about advertising on a hook up app, during a pandemic, where their very actions could cause them to become very sick, Or spread the virus to others, would complain about an advertising. There is no PREP, Available at this time for COVID-19, so if you need to randomly hook up with someone that you don’t know who the fuck they are, a small interruption in your behavior might actually be a very good thing for you. ?
  13. While flying is an extremely risky decision in these times, why are you siding with the flight attendants as opposed to the passengers who have an opportunity to distance themselves further from people around them? These aren’t normal times when people try to move around the cabin and take a more expensive seat than they paid for; American Airlines should be offering social distancing once in flight because it’s the right thing to do.
  14. American Airlines said it would receive $5.8 billion as part of the PPP deal, with more than $4 billion in the form of grants and the remaining $1.7 billion as a low-interest loans from the government for COVID-19.
  15. Just when you thought flying might be semi- safe again – American Airlines reminds you, they just don’t care. [MEDIA=twitter]1280974958202630149[/MEDIA]
  16. Liam

    The Organ

    Also, William, how does it feel to be participating on two different boards and all the while, bad mouthing them both? Seems really spineless to me. But never-mind about that.
  17. Liam

    The Organ

    Since you didn’t tag him, when I did, I’ll consider YOU the one to be called out. Don’t you know rules? LOL
  18. Liam

    The Organ

    Is this your attempt to be a hall monitor? Isn’t that @marylander1940 ‘s job?
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