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Everything posted by joshnineplus

  1. Unfortunately I had to cancel it today. I was really looking forward to it!
  2. Thank you so very much. So many times in the world people engage with each other in such a negative manner. I just don’t believe in operating that way and I refuse to give up on it. I completely agree on the physical vs personality statement. Someone’s personality and thus how they interact with people and exist in the world is everything for me. Too many times in the world we tear each other down instead of lifting each other up. Thanks for lifting me up today. :-D
  3. Great! I look forward to it. I know it’s hard right now, for all of us. But it’ll get better soon.
  4. Thank you! I appreciate the positive feedback. Yeah it looks like a lot of us won’t be traveling much internationally for a while. :-( For someone like me who loves to travel it has been an adjustment for sure. Hopefully soon we’ll all be able to get back to traveling more often. Here’s looking forward to meeting you! Stay safe.
  5. The way that I’ve found works the best is for you to text me, I’ll take down your info and mark where you live. In this case that’s Chicago. When I’m about a week or two from my trip, I’ll reach out and see if you’re still up for meeting. 415-936-4546
  6. I’d like that! I’m considering coming up the beginning of August to visit friends and work a couple of days in Chicago.
  7. I look forward to it!
  8. Hehehehe. I remember that. Your husband is sweet. Thanks for the props! I hope you and he are doing well.
  9. I try to represent myself as I am. So thank you for validating that. Xoxo Sometimes hitting it off is a funny thing. My guess is that it was both of us, not just you but thank you for saying that.
  10. Thanks! It’s always great to hear feedback. Good or bad. Hopefully we’ll meet up soon! We’ve had the worst luck. We’re due for a break of good luck don’t you think?
  11. I’m still around. I moved to Fort Lauderdale a couple years back I miss it in Chicago. I met a lot of great people there. I plan on making a trip back as soon as possible. Stay safe.
  12. Just hit me up. I’m happy to chat by text or phone. I’m far from perfect but I’ve received good feedback over the years and I like to think that I’m easy to get along with and fun where it matters. ;-) Have a good day all. 415-936-4546
  13. Sorry that you had that experience. Let’s meet up again so I can make it up to you.
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