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Posts posted by fs12395

  1. 3 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    this is my opinion only based on alot of experience in Ft Lauderdale & Miami - both cities tend to be very transient in terms of providers, but for different reasons.  
    Miami gets a lot of providers that travel extensively around the world and those guys have already left Miami for the season.  They probably wont be in Miami for next several months. My two favorites that fall into that category are Marco_XL and MGXXL (formerly MegaXXL) on RM.  A reputable guy that is in Miami most of the year is Derick_XXL - he has tons of great reviews & I’ve met him.

    As for Ft Lauderdale - well, it just tends to be transient with lots of providers moving in/out for whatever reason. Lots of guys dabbling for awhile in the business and they’re gone.  One guy that has been around a long time w lots of reviews is ScottB on RM. All the others I knew personally are no longer working in Ft L.

    I’d suggest being very careful in S Florida in general and only going with guys that are very well-reviewed and/or referrals.  Florida draws the very best providers and the very worst. Summer months will make it a bit more difficult than in the high-season in winter. 

    THank you very much, this is very helpful, and I appreciate the time you took to explain this as well. 🙏


    If any of you are from Florida and can safely recommend more as well, I'm all ears!

  2. I'm not that much of a newbie, and I've seen Rainer many times (not 10 but not far from that either). I didn't see/note/experience any of the hygiene issues, but I still stand by the change of the experience over time. I'm hoping it's just a phase, if I didn't love seeing him in general I wouldn't keep going back. The last 2-3 visits have made me double-think.

  3. 1 hour ago, TipsyMcstagger said:

    I recently met with Rainer. His hygiene was fine but overall I would say he is too hyped here and overrated. His massage was just meh and he tried to upcharge me for services I did not request. I would not repeat. 

    Hey @TipsyMcstagger, I am not sure that he was overhyped or that his sessions changes. My first experience with him matched the hype, but progressively matched exactly what you described. 😕 

  4. Yeah, I did go a third time, and it was disappointing.

    He was late to buzz me up, and still had me out within less than 90 minutes (I paid for 2 hours). Before the session, I asked him if it's the same rate as always, he said it was. He texted me (politely) after  to tell me he believes that I shorted him money. I told him to scroll up, but still venmoed him the difference of what he wanted, but with a personal resolution that in his case, it's his character, not his skills, that are not professional or attractive to me in any way.

    I hope you guys don't go through any of that with him if you try. It's unfortunate, I felt our rapport in person was good.

  5. My last two experiences with him (the most recent one being within the last month) were not as good as they used to be. His massage remains good and the sensual elements but:

    1. He shorted me 30 minutes both times while charging for 90 minutes
    2. He's gotten a little bit more aloof when messaging, it was to the point that I was hesitant to continue with the booking


    I don't know. I feel like there are others that I see that offer at least what he offers and maybe with more skill, so I'm not sure that I'll continue seeing him. I only hesitate because the first few sessions were really amazing and I miss that energy that made it all worth it.

  6. I've seen him. I found that his massage skills are not that bad, but the sensual aspect wasn't worth the price he charges. It might have been more expensive because of his SC and other porn films, but I didn't know about those when I saw him.

  7. I went to a session with one of my preferred providers today (Rainer of LA). I see him from time to time, but this has happened with a few others that I like as well. At the beginning they honor the time that we agreed on. I usually ask for 90 minute sessions. Over a few sessions, I find that the session is maximum an hour long. It's a good session, but it's not what I paid for. In some cases, the difference in cost between 90 and 60 minutes is very significant. Because I really like these few providers where this issue is happening, I'm a little anxious to bring up the topic, because I'm worried that it will sour a very good/natural relationship. At the same time, I'm annoyed.

    I'm wondering if any of you have a preferred way of addressing this issue, or if you guys leave it alone to not ruin the relationship... 

    If any providers are reading this, how would you want it addressed if you were the provider in this case?

  8. On 11/5/2023 at 11:33 PM, Alex4475 said:

    He did not understand the word “no” in my experience.   Too aggressive for me and has caused me to stop hiring anyone referencing top or dominant in their profile although from a massage standpoint the best massages for me have come from those who say they are a top. 

    I had similar experience. He wanted to go way further than I was okay with, and when I playfully and consistently said "here are my limits", he made the interactivity letter far less than what others here describe, and far less than most of my "sensual" experiences. If I was okay with full deli, I'd go with him, but he really wasn't okay with "no".

  9. He's therapeutic. I agree about the aloofness. Messaging was a little rough. He sounded condescending and warmed near the end.

    First visit: the therapeutic side was very good. DIdn't like the draping, but yes, his technique was good. S

    econd time: his aloofness was so dramatic that I thought he didn't have my number saved. If it's still bad on the third time, will no longer see him.

    Rates are great though.

    Would love to hear others experiences.

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