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simpleton's Achievements

  1. If he was honest in his review, I'd respect that. When he was advertising, his profile read: "I AM THE REAL DEAL. INTO ANY AND EVERY GUY" When I showed up, he slammed the door on my face and called security.
  2. I would not meet him. He's racist and only meets with middle aged white men. [MEDIA=imgur]a/j9OWOEI[/MEDIA] edit: now going by https://rentmen.eu/Drossnik
  3. He is constantly deleting/changing his name. But this guy who claims to be into EVERY one... He's completely racist to Asians. I showed up at his hotel door and he slammed it in my face. A friend of mine contacted him before he got into San Jose and when my friend was unsure about the "deposit", he responded with racial slurs and assumed he was a Chinese person in a loveless marriage. now going by https://rentmen.eu/Drossnik
  4. I met Avi Dar and I had the BEST escort experience, ever. I also caught him early on arriving in SF. Passionate kisser and cuddler
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