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Posts posted by Dtxstudfinder

  1. If you want to just sit and watch a guy jo on his phone and like to overpay for it, he's your guy.


    He also had very few teeth. I assume it was from the chewing tobacco I asked him to dispose of. He was nice about it though.

  2. I spent a lot of time trying to please my escort sexually and otherwise. I don't have a lot of money. I have not pay but the minimum on a credit card to have paid for this visit. I should not have had him over and that's my fault too.

  3. Exactly!


    Whoever came up with the idea of using the escort as bait should have known most of the unpaid guys (grindr) weren't daddy chasers but interest in guys similar to them like the 20 y/o escort.



    Remember, I didn't want a group. My escort and I both finished. He then want to be topped a lot more than I could physically do. He wanted to bring Grindr guys over so they could fuck. I wasn't going to leave my house and yeah I probably would want to watch and stuff and I said he better tell them I was there. That's when the convo became vile towards me. They wanted me to leave my own house so my escort could fuck a group of guys. I told him no. Then I laid there feeling like shit for not satisfying my escort and seeing their comments about me just drilled feeling into my mind how horrible a person I was. Yes I blew it out of proportion, my escort should not have put his 20 year old needs on my 50 year old shoulders. I felt inadequate on so many levels.

  4. Thanks. I am still learning what I want, what I expect, and so on. I know I'm not looking for a partner again. Just looking for occasional fun with guys I never really got the chance to experience when i was young. I'm sure like everyone here you've had good ones and ones where you wish you had your money and time back.

  5. Here's how it went:

    Day 1: arrives, he showers, we have awesome sex. 2 hours later wants to go again and I say I can't. I use a toy on him. 3 hours later he has met a twink on grinder. Asks if he can come over, I say no. He asks if I can get hard, I say unfortunately no. He asks to go on a run and possibly hook up with the guy. I say ok I want to nap. He comes back to tell me it was a group of guys and a lot of fun. Good for him. He wants to know if we can go to the baths - I explain that its during the week I'll be the spring chicken there and not in the mood to watch him get tons of attention.


    Day 2; I'm able to go with morning wood thank god. We eat breakfast and do a few tourist things he wanted to do. A few hours later we take a nap - he gets on grindr and finds several guys who open a group chat. They are all gung ho and horny and want to come over. I say not sure about it do they even know about me? He sends my pic. comments come in "can he leave for a few hours", "he's gross", "not into old dudes" "count me out", "he can watch but can't touch", "can we chip in and get a hotel" etc.. I tell him no way can they come over. If he wants to renegotiate the rate and get a hotel, he can do whatever he wants with as many guys as he wants and he can leave for the airport from, there. He said no he needed the money. I said do that stuff when you get home - he said he doesn't "crap in his own backyard". Yeah I wish I hadn't seen the texts, wish I could perform, wish I could have been enough for him, I went from a high with him to a bad low where everything hit me at once. I'm old, undesirable, attracted to young jocks.


    Day 3: his flight was late afternoon, I asked him to change it to a morning flight and he did.


    How could this have been a perfect visit? I could get hard at any time and satisfy him or at lest he could have given me the impression I satisfied him. Part of what gets me off is pleasing someone else. What disapoints me is doing all i can and it not being enough. I didn't want group sex, I know my limits. I'm a top this guy is a bottom. And I didn't want to watch Claws reruns while a sexfest was going on my room with the door shut just to make him happy.


    I had waves of emotion and came here - the only place I can talk about it. I do thank everyone for candid remarks. I am learning and need to deal with the emotional aftereffects sometimes. Hourly visits have left me feeling great for the most part. I don't want a relationship, escort friends, just a good time where someone treats me like I was an awesome top and then leave.

  6. What is it that the kid did that was wrong since they both wanted the same thing at first? Hot twenty somethings filling his bedroom. I think it was naive on both of them to think that it was a good idea but it takes two to tango.


    You're right, there is blame on both sides. He took care of my needs and while still in bed he was on Grindr. I wasn't asking for more, I know my limits and we both knew I was done for the day. Since he gave me a discount I felt like he could do his own thing too. When the group found out I was going to be around and I saw the hateful comments, yeah I felt bad for several reasons, my body not being able to perform again and the things they said got to me, and my escort disappointed because he wanted more guys made feel even more inadequate. So yeah, not all on him, I am definitely disappointed with myself though. I'm learning.

  7. Thanks @30somethingsexybear you got it exactly. We could have used more conversation in the beginning to set each others expectations. He isn't a bad guy, it's just he wanted more and I couldn't be enough and didn't realize it. Just made me feel inadequate, I wasn't for the guys coming over, I just thought it would be nice for him and yeah I wanted to join in but I knew my body was done for the day. Three days of it were just more than I expected and had never done that long. I wasn't getting any sleep which exacerbated everything for me. I'm glad to have everyone's insight and advice. Life goes on, this isn't the worst thing to ever happen to me.

  8. It’s hard to add to the already excellent comments here, except to say again that sticking with regulars has largely served me very well. The sex keeps getting better and more adventurous, and the personal time as well. But, these experiences are rare. When I decide to add a new provider to the roster, it’s usually a dice throw, but I never would’ve met my regulars had I not taken that plunge. I consider the “meh” experiences to be an unfortunate part of the hobby.


    Thank you. I haven't really had any bad experiences and I need to remember the "meh" experiences are just a part of it. I have removed this guy from my contacts. I do have 4 guys I met on Grindr (that agreed to meet a gen guy) and have been really nice. I'll stick with them and maybe an hourly Rent Men guy once in a while. I can't be with a guy that has needs again 2 hours later.

  9. I'll say it again, you guys are great. I'm thinking he contacted me and offered such a low rate for 3 days because he planned on doing his own thing. Had I known about that in the beginning, I could been better prepared for it but still wouldn't allow a bunch of twinks in my house. Two-night overnights are really too much time outside of sex and they just become annoying people anyway. Knowing I'm a once-a-day sex guy also lets me know my expectations. I feel better, won't let this guy talk me into coming back again, and I know more about my expectations to convey to the guy.

  10. "He left me feeling inadequate for not meeting his needs"??? Forgive me, but, was the escort paying you??? Fault me for insensitivity toward a working stiff (not a pun), but if you are the one putting the money on the table, the one and only "need" that should be met is yours not his. . .


    Yes you are exactly right. I couldn't go a second round and he would be looking on Grindr. He got up to shower and after I asked why and he said he was going on a run and hook up with a twink in the neighborhood. I said ok. I'm such an idiot but whatever. I'm not going to do this again.

  11. Thanks and I learned my lesson to leave overnights and especially 2 overnights alone. I don't really have anything in common with them in a nonsexual way. I just want them to treat me respectfully as I treat them, have great but short sex and go home. Most of my visits are fine like this. Just let him talk me into basically subsidizing his 3 day vaycay. Maybe he cut me a deal in the beginning hoping to have the freedom to do guys on the side but he never mentioned it. I did offer the second day the option to renegotiate our arrangement so he could get a hotel and do what he wanted with a group of twinks. He wanted to stay. Anyway not gonna do that again.

  12. Thanks, you guys are great! I'm not looking for a relationship though. I'm fine with the sex and then you leave thing. I think Dallasclient was right, the sex was fine but then he left me feeling inadequate for not meeting his needs and I was so unhappy with what I was seeing from those Grindr guys. Just hit me really hard. Starting to feel better though.


    I just need to do one hour visits, take care of my needs only and forget about trying to make them so happy and gratified. If I'm not enough, they need to book another appointment instead of using my place to bring in strangers for their own needs.


    I needed a new attitude.

  13. BTW, I lost my partner of 25 years last year. I'm not attracted to other older guys and I think I'm trying to make up for lost time and promiscuity I never had before. Most of the time I really enjoy the escorts and being generous. This has just been a hard few days. Sorry I have no one else to talk to.

  14. I also need to quit trying to please every escort I do overnights with. I don't want to hire a second or get a Grindr guy just for them. Im a once and done guy. Each time that has happened in the past I just end up watching two guys have a great time while I'm sitting there limp. Realizing my age is another form of depression.

  15. Thanks and that does help. I am trying to really determine the kind of guys that really are compatible with me. I'm finding the insatiable ones or ones that requires other twinks are the ones I need to stay away from. I have about 3 regulars and one I do not pay except maybe every third or fourth time. He is from Grindr that doesn't know I do this with others. The trouble I also need to learn to get over is not saying no. I didn't contact the 20 year old who came over he hit me up. Im not going to have him over again.

  16. Yeah, I do too. I only have a couple that I consider friends. I guess I feel low because i hated that I couldn't satiate him at all and the guys on Grindr were really hateful. On top of all this, two nights was a bit much. I didn't get much sleep as he was on Grindr all the time. My body is much less responsive when I'm tired.

  17. Not sure what I expect here. Just curious what others think.


    I frequently use Rent Men and Grindr as a generous guy. I have met some great guys that I think of as friends. I define friends as those few that contact me and vice versa for no other reason than to visit about everyday stuff. Recently, I had an escort hit me up wanting me to fly him here for a few days. He gave me a rate of $1200 for Wed thru late Friday. He is 20 and I'm 51. He has an insatiable sex drive. I can only go at it once a day. We have in the past used his Grindr to find a third or fourth to join us. I was reading the group chat he had going on and once my pic and age was given, there were a lot of hateful remarks made by those guys. They were asking if could leave so they could all use my place, etc.. I usually have thick skin but this time several things hit me. I told him they couldn't come. My escort was disappointed as he really wanted to have an orgy. I wasn't able to get it up that night or the morning. I had him charge to an early flight on Friday morning. I feel worthless for having a dick that doesn't cooperate, feel like I wasted money even though we had sex twice and I feel like a gross old man. Today is kind of a low for me.

  18. I had an experience with an escort where I showed up to his hotel room and made the mistake of walking in before I got a good look at him. Once I was in the room and saw him more clearly I told him I was sorry but I couldn't go through with it. He immediately deadbolted the door and grabbed the drink from my hand and said I had to pay him half. I told him he didn't look like his pictures and he threw my drink on me and grabbed my glasses and I had to give him $100 to get my glasses back. Then he harangued and harassed me via text until I blocked him.

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