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Posts posted by Methodic98

  1. Met up with him (in Atlanta)....definitely enjoyed the time spent. He's definitely a stickler with not being contacted with explicit language. Apparently, the only bad review he received was due to not responding to an explicit text...he never met the individual that gave him the bad review.


    I can say that the other 25 reviews paint a more accurate picture.

  2. So this question has been on my mind lately. Would love to get other thoughts / opinions.


    You come across a profile that, best as you can tell, is a legitimate ad (it even has a couple of 5 star reviews from people who've had their own profiles for a couple of years). You negotiate what's taking place, price, yada yada yada. You arrive at the door and the person who opens it is NOT the person whose pictures are on the profile...Except:

    Though it is not the person at all, the provider is still the same age / height / build (and just as friggin' attractive, if not more so) as the profile pictures.


    He says, the reason he won't use his own pictures is for 'safety reasons'. As well as his other gigs are also public and unrelated (Bartender / Actor). He also doesn't identify as 'bi' publicly.


    So outside of the fake pics....the hire itself was a 5-star hire. And now I'm being asked to leave a review (which means either saying the pictures aren't his and potentially slowing down his future hires, or saying everything is great great great)


    I mentioned earlier this would not be the first review....meaning other people have already been down this road and left 5 stars.


    So what say you?

  3. I'm just looking at the ad now. It's for Orlando and the advertiser is African-American. Was this the guy in the the original ad that @dutchal waa talking about?




    It's the same url that @dutchal referred to (http://www.rentmen.eu/MrMass). I don't know if it's possible that someone used the same ad link a few months later with real pictures making the ad legit. I would use caution (especially given the phone number hits). If there are any risk takers out there that want to take a chance, keep me posted :)

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