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Doe Be Doe

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Posts posted by Doe Be Doe

  1. Assuming I travel to Medellin at some point - when stability returns - what is the best travel plan? It seems that the flights from NYC to Medellin all leave either very very early in the morning or late in the afternoon. I would hate having to awake at 3 am on the one hand or getting into Medellin at 11pm on the other.


    Anyone with experience have any flight suggestions?

  2. I have recently contacted several escorts that I have not met before. All were very nice, asked for a normal fee, and asked that I pay for their transportation to me and then back home. I have been using the same escorts for a long time and I never pay their transportation fee. Is paying for the Uber a new norm?

  3. I was hoping to travel to Medellin soon to meet a specific person. I really want to see that area but I am hesitant to go. Also it is difficult for Colombians to come here.


    Perhaps the answer is to arrange to meet him in Mexico or some third country that is still open? I know people who have recently traveled to Mexico or Aruba or someplace like that without trouble.

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