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Everything posted by backcountrybum

  1. Thanks guys. I haven't found it yet. Feel free to close this thread.
  2. Thanks guys. It might have been Eucalyptus. I'm going to purchase some and give it a shot. Will update this post with the results. Might be a week or so.
  3. Thanks. I thought about menthol. I bought some IcyHot roll-on with 16% menthol to test it. Very little effect. Maybe if the menthol concentration was higher? I'll keep checking around...
  4. What causes an intense cool tingling of the skin? While on vacation years ago, a massage therapist ended my massage by rubbing my back with a wet cloth that yielded an intense cool and tingling sensation. It was awesome. I enjoyed it so much, I forgot to ask what it was. Any ideas what it could have been? Thanks!
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