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Posts posted by BeefyDude

  1. I have seen him a few times. WOW is he amazing or what


    The size of him is incredible. He is a major muscle GOD


    The massage was freaking amazing. First visit wasn't expecting such a great massage. So he far exceeded my expectations.


    Plus he is a super friendly nice guy. Any time he comes to my city, I never hesitate to book with him

  2. Yeah i'm sure.. I came across his link and thought I would share anyways.


    The massage was awesome!!!! Quite honestly given his porn background I was not expecting such a good massage. So he exceeded my expectations.

  3. I have a top 3 list of WORST. No links or names of course:


    1) HOT guy. But when I got there, there was something up with him. I'm convinced he was on drugs. He wouldn't shut up about his recent DUI and was asking me advice (he was out of state then) on how to get out of it. He was more focused on that than the massage. After 20 minutes (tops 30) of a VERY mediocre massage he flipped me over and wanted to F__ me Well that wasn't going to happen. He kept insisting but I kept rejecting. Finally the "massage" was over. Yes I stiffed him part of the payment. But in my defense, he delivered only a fraction of the massage. I exited the hotel and ran to my car. While driving away he called me many times on different #s stating I cheated him and he was going to report me. I LAUGHED: report me for what, not wanting to get F__ by you ? LOSER


    2) I can't even remember this guys name. Seemed decent when we talked. He gave me the address. As I approached the motel (in the middle of a saturday afternoon) it was by far the SEEDIEST part of town. The motel had a security guard. I parked and the guard approached me asking who I wanted to see. Well I didnt have a name or room # so I stalled. I text and called him many times and he never answers. So he set me up!!! Why I don't know to this day. Nothing in our conversation was bad negative etc.


    3) Chatted with an out of town guy. Everything seemed fine (like in #2 above). We made plans for the next day. He told me what hotel he was at. Our appt was 1pm. I got there and texted for the room#. He gave it to me. There was NO such room #. I texted and he assured me it was. Then we discovered I was in the wrong hotel. He said he had to switch. I was like WTF Asshole, you didn't tell me this. Now since I spent 10-15 minutes figuring this out he said he had a 2pm thus we would have to reschedule. Needless to say I did not. Once again I did nothing to deserve this.

  4. I agree nice to see a review. But MF site has gone down hill so bad thus forcing people over to RM. MF stopped allowing shirtless pics (WTF) and stopped allowing reviews (again WTF). Then there was massagem4m (now defunct). I found the quality of guys there SERIOUSLY lacking. Most were rub n tugs.

  5. WOW.. same here I mean exact.. I used to not be like that. But finances have changed. I like to stay in the 120-140 range (or less). I'm looking for more on the therapeutic side vs. other. Don't get me wrong some sensual is OK. I just dont want that to be the focus. Maybe that makes me an anomolie on here, so be it.


    If I want 100% something else, I get on grinder... LOL

  6. Ref Maverick: He is good. Ive seen him few times. First 1 or 2 mix of sensual and therapeutic. Next 1 or 2 was just therapeutic (odd). I mean i like some mix. He does and can go SUPER SUPER DEEP. I was crying on my last visit. Also on my last visit I asked about 60/90 I also asked if he could add some sensual. We agreed $150 for 90 and sensual mix to it. Well he delivered on the sensual mix BIG time. Like I said he went SUPER DUPER Deep. But it only lasted an hour.. I was like WTF


    Ref Scott: I wanted to try him after so many great references here, but alas he is gone from the area


    Ref Eli: I heard bad things so staying away. But before I heard them I did try to contact him a few times. He never returned my call



    Here is one to check out. He is good. You might as well do 90 (only 20 bucks more). He does a great massage. Bummer he used to live down the street from me. He isn't far now just not close:




    Highly recommend him

  7. RIGHT ON... I'm not saying don't charge $250 but dont come off as a masseur...


    Sorry but guys who charge north of 150 I really question what is going on.


    I know alot of guys like the sensual and mutual touching. I prefer MOSTLY therapeutic so spending that much with money tight these days just aint happening. Then to tip on top of a high right???


    Do the math 180 for 60 mins is $3/min - thats high. Also check out their ads - nice table candles etc etc. If they are traveling most will NOT have all that - so theoretically they should be charging less. Also again KNOW your market


    Nuff said

  8. Another GREAT Piece of advice: Call them and talk, get a feel for them. Ask questions. IF they can't or won't respond/dance around the questions, MOVE on. I like to hear their voice, see if there is any connection etc. If no connection, doubt I will book. Just my $.02


    On that note I see an ad online now that states: Text me! All calls go to voicemail.


    I have seen others where they say text only wont answer calls etc


    This is and SHOULD BE a huge red flag!!!!

  9. I would really have to say that OVERALL Atlanta Masseurs are HORRIBLE.. There are exceptions of course. The better ones are the freaking out of town guys who you say to yourself WOW why can't they live local.


    I also hear from out of town guys that ATL has a HORRIBLE reputation for being flakes and not committing to an appt. Calling over and over again but never booking. I'm sure that has got to be bad for them to deal with.

  10. I get hit up on Grinder ALL the time. I dismiss them instantly


    @ Kinected, I agree. Been ages since ive booked off A4A. Seems one particular apt complex in bhead that I got burnt the most


    I like someone with an ad that I can review. It tells me they took the time and cash to make it at least somewhat legit.


    The masseur finder site has gone SO down hill which is why they are all jumping over to rent masseur.

  11. I suppose... last ditch effort for me and my city. Now there are 1 or 2 that have been good. But most were NOT worth the time or money. Most were lousy at massage. Most did the 30 min back flip you over and ____ then send you home. I mean look at their ads, profiles and pics. Need I say more

  12. I dont know about anyone else, but I don't trust the ads on this site.


    I have tried a few and all were disasters.


    I just can't take anyone on that site seriously.



  13. I recently posted about a brock in AZ (not the one currently having an ad on MF. But another brock. A young powerlifter kid


    Amazing looks build and massage. No replies to text. Assuming new # We were always on good terms so can't explain the drop off

  14. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/23740/


    Has anyone been able to get in touch with this guy? I have left him several polite text and voice messages. all unreturned


    He states he is based in Atlanta. However, he seems to be permanently in NYC. His dates in NYC will show (for example): Jan 1-10. Then towards the end of that they change from Jan 10-17 etc etc


    His pics and ad look good. Ide like to give him a shot *IF* I can ever get in touch with him. My guess is that since i'm in ATL and he NYC that he is ignoring for that reason - since i'm not going to book being out of town. *IF* that is the case, still would be nice to hear from him.


    Has anyone booked with him?

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