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Everything posted by alex_m

  1. As I did last time - I can offer you to try my service and post REAL review and share your opinion which is not based on that fake shit lol I am willing to offer you a FREE massage in case you didn’t like it. And please share your real opinion about my job and I will approve it even if it is negative. I’m kinda tired of those hysterical people who never said even a single word in person but instead of that they write that shit about me behind my back. I do my job and I do it great. And I’ll always protect myself from such a dirt
  2. I had a great time and clients in Phily are definitely satisfied. There will always be someone who is negative)) but who cares?) try yourself and have your own opinion. I offered to try my services to a client who was doubting because he read those snotty comments from other people who often are other massage therapists who cannot handle the competition lol Anyway it’s all cool. I’ll come to Philadelphia often. What a great city. Cheers
  3. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/24291/
  4. Thank you for coming! Now finally people can see real picture of my services! See you next time)))
  5. I easily can if that is NOT behind my back like you did Criticism is a normal thing when it’s done properly. Thanks for your review
  6. This is not therapeutic only sir. Sensual is hard to define because people have very different opinions about that word trust me. I offer sensual massage where clients get release at the end. I am ok with some touching as long as it is NOT painful or disrespectful. About the nudity - I am nude during the session. My focus is to give real massage not light rubbing with a lot of intimacy which has nothing in common with real massage itself. So my session is professional massage according to your needs ( I mean the amount of pressure, problem areas etc) with HE. About “mechanical HE” as one dude likes to repeat - I have no idea what he’s talking about. Let he shows me how he jerks off and maybe I’ll find out his perfect secret style of doing that haha
  7. And here is a deal for you - I’m so sure in my service that I’m willing to offer you FREE massage if you will not be satisfied after massage, so you can post real review on here Have a good day;)
  8. I like everything to be true not fake like here. Yes I am straight. My “cold personality” as guys mentioned before is my Ukrainian mentality, we all hold distance with strangers especially when they act weird and treat us bad as all those reviewers did, but trust me once we see the person is normal then we become closer and every meeting is like old friends ( none of those who left a comment on me came the second time for obvious reasons and they was blocked by me cause I also have a choice of who I want to see) At least here I’m telling the truth of who I am not like others described me because I didn’t do what they expected (people are willing to want more than offered). Guys have bigger expectations because other massage therapists are escorts and they allow so much more things to do and that’s why they think that every massage therapist is a same and when they don’t get touching, sucking or whatever is on their fantasies - here is a negative comment
  9. You’re absolutely right my friend. So now you have the real picture of what’s going on not only one side hysterical reactions. You are adult man and I’m sure you are willing to analyze things. It’s totally your decision on who you want to trust. Or you can try by yourself and leave here at least 100% real review
  10. I said because never ever any person did. So come on don’t tell lies now dude
  11. One question - if that was so horrible as you described, why did you stay to the end of massage? When I don’t like something - I would say and leave. Why didn’t you say that in person? Instead of that again trash talking behind my back. You’re real man
  12. If you trust that - you’ll never know for sure
  13. All I ask as always is mutual respect. Don’t think if you’re paying money then it gives you the right to treat me like a piece of meat, grab everywhere etc. Nobody of you told me nothing in my studio that you are not satisfied with something. But you all talk s**it behind my back At the end of the day I’m not a 100$ bill to be loved by everyone but thanks God most customers are nice people and they have a great experience with me. If anyone has something to tell me - my number is on my page For other guys - better trust your own experience instead of reading this trash talking about people. Cheers guys
  14. This is a third time review you’ve posted about one session and every time is worse than previous. First of all - I am Ukrainian. Second - after clients who squeezed my private part and I couldn’t normally go to the bathroom, bite my penis and I was bleeding after, sticking fingers in my butt - I have 100% right to hate any kind of touching especially when you are a new customer and I have no idea what to expect from you. Nobody likes being touched trust me but at least I don’t pretend that I do. And the funniest thing is “mechanical part” - thanks for making me laugh man. You know it works for me for whole my life and gives me pleasure
  15. You well man it sounds like when you’re going to the bathroom there is a smell of tropical flowers after you done shi****g. That can happen to everyone
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