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big dale

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Posts posted by big dale

  1. These stories, man... WOW.


    My worst ever massage was supposed to be legit, then turned erotic, then turned really, really uncomfortable.


    I was in California for work (before I moved here) and I set up a massage at the spa in my hotel. I was 100% not looking for an erotic massage, and in fact, I really needed the therapeutic benefit for my back. I was doing a lot of work travel and being constantly shoved into a tiny airplane seat was taking its toll. The person assigned to give me the massage was a pretty average looking guy. He didn't strike me as gay and seemed very professional. He was wearing the scrub-like uniform that this spa favored and quickly ushered me into the treatment room.


    We briefly discussed my back pain, agreed to go with deep pressure and he stepped out of the room so I could get comfortable under the sheet and what felt like 7 layers of heated blankets.The massage starts and I was actually feeling super uncomfortable and sweaty because of all the heat. It turns out the table was also heated. I asked him to remove some of the layers because I was getting too warm. Eventually I was just draped with the cotton sheet which was perfect.


    All was going fine until it was time for me to flip over. Once I was on my back his demeanor totally changed. It was like a switch had flipped and all of the sudden he was like super lax about draping, and kind of made these sex kitten noises while massaging me. Then he started adding somewhat erotic flourishes to the massage. I'm human, and so my cock got hard. And I'm a leaker. Now all of the sudden I'm leaking through the sheet. My boner is clearly visible under the sheet and the wet spot isn't doing anything to hide it.


    The guy then slides his hand under the sheet and grabs my cock and jerks me off. However he had his eyes closed tightly, like super tightly clenched, and even is he didn't he wasn't even really facing towards my body, and he never pulled back the sheet. He seemed so afraid of my dick.


    Anyhow, I blow my load and he sort of silently starts freaking out as soon as my cum touches his hand. He begins silently mouthing "OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO LOSE MY JOB" and "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED" and... "I NEED TO GO TO CHURCH". Uhhhh... OK. Then, he starts crying and sort of hitting himself in the head and calling himself "dirty and stupid" and saying shit like "help me Jesus". Meanwhile I am laying on the table slicked in sweat, cum-covered sheet stuck to me and really unclear what was going to happen next, but trying to console him, while figuring out where my robe is so I can get the fuck outta there.


    I end up standing up, totally nude and saying (in a forceful whisper) "pull yourself together, work through whatever it is you're doing on your own time. Escort me back to the lockers, NOW." Which I guess is what he needed to get back on track. I got dressed fearing there was going to be a manager or security waiting for me on checking-out of the spa, but everything was totally fine.


    Still one of the weirdest interactions in my life.

  2. nope.. doesn't bug me. its my money to spend as i wish. I don't think someone is sitting there with an adding machine saying to himself "ok beefy dude spends this much on massage" Actually all they know is I gave someone money. They don't know for what etc etc. For me who cares. But I get that some others are not the same. So for them use cash... We have that freedom in our wonderful country :)

    I meant more because you are leaving a digital trail right back to you, so if the escort gets busted and there's a broader investigation it leads right to your door. I'm not a paranoid person, but I am in IT and understand exactly how much of a trail your data leaves. Even on this board.

  3. I wouldn't like that. Fortunately I haven't run across it yet.


    Maybe the people who legit want gift cards are trying to not have a money trail? Honestly I'd prefer to pay with cashapp or zelle. I only get cash because most guys are fine with it but honestly don't like carrying it around. I usually plan in advance so instead of rushing to an atm before I head their way I have the cash a day or hours before. Even though I usually go straight to from my place to theirs, I'd still rather skip that step.

    Agree... I'm starting more and more to ask about sending cash electronically. You are right an added delay and hassle to stop at an ATM for cash. Then to find out its broke etc. Plus its two-thousand-freaking-19. So many apps to send money. The push back may be that some have fees on them, albeit small.


    Are you guys not concerned with the electronic trail you're leaving?

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