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Posts posted by Gar1eth

  1. Born and raised in Italy, Italian remains my first language and I do count always in Italian ;)


    Lived in Mexico for 10 years, never studied the language, but it was quite easy to pick it up and I am now totally fluent in Spanish.

    Lived in NY for 15 and I am definitely fluent in English. Still, Spanish is a bit better than my English...

    I can have a basic conversation in French, which I never studied.


    Native Italians in general are NOT very easy to pick up other languages (even if a foreign language is taught at school),

    but I guess I have a "musical" ear...:)



    That's not fair thougho_O. I've always heard it was fairly easy for Italians to pick up Spanish although I'm sure some are better at it than others. My Latin teacher in high school was originally from Genoa (she pronounced it Genova). My teacher told us her mother had studied Spanish, but it was not of any interest to her (my teacher) because she could understand it due to being Italian.


    The closest living languages to English (aside from Scots) are the Frisian group. And our mutual intelligibility with it is nil.



  2. I took three years of college German. But I was never fluent. I can write simple sentences better than I can speak it-or rather I could at the time. I also took two one month long Spanish language conversation courses 22 years ago, and a 10 day Spanish immersion course about 8 years ago. But I was nowhere near fluent in that. Some people have the knack for languages. For most of us who can't live in the country of that language it's a slog.


    From what I've read-aside from the plasticity of a child's brain which is set up for learning language-one reason children learn is they aren't self-conscious about making mistakes. They will say things ungrammatically without any problems. Adults don't want to speak incorrectly. And much like it takes a child three years to really start picking up on language-adults in an immersion experience by living in the country can often need a three year experience to start speaking a foreign language.



  3. The more I read reviews and comments on escorts the more I see that they are as much a review of the client writing it as they are about the escort being reviewed. Even though I don't understand Spanish and the English translation is clumsy I can tell you that my experience with Flavio and my impression of him was completely the opposite of the one presented in that comment.


    Rex, the ONLY important thing is that YOU were 100% satisfied with your encounter with Flavio.;)


    ~ Boomer ~


    Yes and no Boomer. This is a site for us to share our experiences. But if the reviewer's likes aren't-well let's use the term-congruent with a significant number ( even if it's not a majority ) of those of us who read the Forum, then encomiums for an escort don't mean a whole lot although in the spirit of fellowship I (and I'm sure most of us here on the Forum) can definitely be glad that a member of our brotherhood here on the Forum had a good time. That's why it's necessary to know either in general what our Fellow Forum member likes or a more specific relating of the events of the meeting such as in the Reviews.





  4. http://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/all-you-need-is-love-yoda-love-is-all-you-need.jpg



    Kevin Slater


    I don't really get it. Are they saying Ringo looks like Yoda?



    Yoda uses inverted sentence structure.



    Thanks, FF. I did understand that. And I thought that might possibly be it. But Yoda's pronouncements usually sound weird-"Listen you must" or "Found someone you have" whereas "Love is all you need" makes perfect sense.o_O



  5. http://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/all-you-need-is-love-yoda-love-is-all-you-need.jpg



    Kevin Slater



    I don't really get it. Are they saying Ringo looks like Yoda?



  6. I understand that, Gman, and I agree. What I meant was that each has to ask the client what he's willing to do with him. I don't ask a guy if he tops or bottoms because it's irrelevant to me. All I ever expect from a guy is that he look like his pictures, that he be friendly and that we do what I very directly ask him about doing in my very first communication with him. In Flavio's case all of these requirements were met and surpassed, except that for the very first time in my over 3 years of hiring around 50 different escorts, I didn't ask about what I wanted to do, but it just happened naturally, and was one of my top 3 experiences.


    Rex, I was paying attention when you spoke about the two things you enjoy doing with an escort. I think it was in a post about your favorite guy.:)


    ~Boomer ~


    I read that thread. But I only have a vague remembrance of it. And other Forum Members might never have read it. That's why I thought it was important to make note of Rex's Primary Interests.



  7. He came to me on occasion in past years in the season at Palm Beach, and, in my honesty, he was an adornment to any room he graced with his presence. If he has scored one on Gravity in the game of life, I say bravo Flavio. . .



    I thought in the past you had intimated that he might not be as spectacular as his pictures? So as Rex isn't 'into' total interactivity as they say, can you shed any light on Mr. Garay's interests?



  8. I saw Flavio just this afternoon. He looks fantastic. If you, like me, like a very shapely musculature, he's a textbook specimen. He is so warm and fun and hot to be around. I really felt a fun sense of 'fooling around" with Flavio that was hot and rejuvenating. I have to say I've been waiting for this day for half a year at least and my satisfaction level was 100%.


    But Rex, do you expect as much 'interaction' from an escort as many of us on here do? The reason I ask is you are a big proponent of Ryan Steele. Yet he is straight. And from what his reviews don't say, I doubt Ryan is fully interactive.




    You're right, Gman, I probably don't expect or desire as much reciprocity as many of the most vocal on here do. I'm also not into kissing nor anal penetration in either direction and those seem to be the most valued commodities mentioned here. I'm not looking to be 'made love to', either. Therefore I'm not equipped to comment on how these guys stand on those activities. I can only comment on their appearance, personality, and how satisfied I am with my experience with them. Anyway, in the end each client has to find out what an escort will do with them on their own.


    Rex-I appreciate your clarification. One slight disagreement I have is your last sentence. I don't totally disagree. But really that's what this website is for. There wouldn't be much use in this website if it only supplied generalities such as-"Yeah, the guy was great. I liked him."



  9. I saw Flavio just this afternoon. He looks fantastic. If you, like me, like a very shapely musculature, he's a textbook specimen. He is so warm and fun and hot to be around. I really felt a fun sense of 'fooling around" with Flavio that was hot and rejuvenating. I have to say I've been waiting for this day for half a year at least and my satisfaction level was 100%.


    But Rex, do you expect as much 'interaction' from an escort as many of us on here do? The reason I ask is you are a big proponent of Ryan Steele. Yet he is straight. And from what his reviews don't say, I doubt Ryan is fully interactive.



  10. Gents, there is ONE recent review on Daddy's, just found it! Sounds fantastic! So any additional information is appreciated. Review is under Devin C. Can't figure quickly how to link it, sorry for the tech ignorance.


    FYI- if you are on a computer you go to the left where the review is listed. You hover the arrow over the name of escort. Up should pop the URL (i.e. the web address). Then you copy it using whatever method your computer uses ( on a pc it would be right-clicking). Once you have copied the URL, you come back to here, paste, and Bob's your uncle.



    If you are on a phone- you use your finger to hover over the left sided list.


    Or sometimes this works-now that you've found the review, you can try entering "Devin C daddysreviews" without the quote marks into a search page like google. Then if the review shows up in the results, click on it. Then copy the URL (that old web address) and paste it here in your post.



  11. You are right. I didn't read it correctly. Was he the entertainment? He's not known as far as I know as being gay. I grew up in his birthplace. But he apparently didn't grow up there. He grew up in my birthplace-or at least a near suburb of my birthplace.




    LOL No he wasn't the entertainment, there was no dummy, it was an unveiling party at Sardi's (for new characatures) NO idea why he was there no relation to the 2 ppl being unveiled etc but it was him.


    Just as an FYI-"unveiling" is also a term we Jews use for the placement of the gravestone which usually occurs about 11-12 months after the burial. When you wrote "unveiling," my 1st thought was, "Why was a ventriloquist at an unveiling?"



  12. You didn't read correctly ....was at a party and the older guy I was with kept trying to get me to remember this show because there was a guy there (kinda short blond hair like in his 50's) who was a "ventruiliquist ... etc THERE meaning at the party. The guy I was with said see that guy? He was on a show called Soap etc etc etc . This was two years ago btw.


    You are right. I didn't read it correctly. Was he the entertainment? He's not known as far as I know as being gay. I grew up in his birthplace. But he apparently didn't grow up there. He grew up in my birthplace-or at least a near suburb of my birthplace.



  13. I had missed the earlier allegations that this is about MORE than kiddie porn, which is bad enough ...


    INDIANAPOLIS (AP) —Jared Fogle agreed Wednesday to plead guilty to allegations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography. Authorities said Fogle offered to pay adult prostitutes a finder's fee if they could connect him with minors for sex acts.


    The agreement released by prosecutors said Fogle will pay $1.4 million in restitution to 14 minor victims, who will each receive $100,000. He will also be required to register as a sex offender and undergo treatment for sexual disorders. The government agreed not to seek a sentence of more than 12½ years in prison, and Fogle agreed not to ask for less than five years, according to court documents. Federal judges have wide discretion in sentencing, and Fogle could get a longer sentence.


    Federal prosecutors allege in the documents that Fogle traveled to pay for sex acts, including with minors, from 2007 until as recently as June and that he planned business trips to coincide with his sexual pursuits.


    Fogle is accused of having sex with two 16-year-old girls at hotels in New York City. One of the girls told investigators she had sex with Fogle three times in November 2012, when she was 16, and again two months later, when she was 17. After that meeting, Fogle allegedly texted the girl and offered to pay her a fee if she could find him another underage girl to pay for sex acts.


    Between 2011 and 2013, Fogle also repeatedly sent text messages to escorts, "soliciting them to provide him with access to minors as young as 14 to 15 years," the documents said, adding that he would only make such requests after engaging in sex acts with the escorts to "insure that they were not undercover police officers."


    The documents also alleged that Fogle on multiple occasions received sexually explicit images and videos of minors produced by Russell Taylor, 43, who ran the charitable Jared Foundation.


    Can the 14 minor victims file additonal, separate suits, for additonal damages, against Fogle? Or is it more likely they have agreed not to do that as part of his plea deal? $100,000 apiece sounds like modest compensation to the victims. (Fogle's net worth was estimated at $15 million by celebritynetworth.com.)


    And are we likely to hear about additional charges brought against any adults who helped procur minors for sex?


    I don't like this. But I also wouldn't like one of us meeting a pre-legal adolescent either.



  14. This brings up a point. I've met several guys over the years-now adults. But they've told me that when they were younger-maybe 16- hopefully not younger-they were using methods to meet older guys for sex. It's always weirded me out. Obviously some 16 year olds are emotionally mature enough to handle sex. But so many wouldn't be. And I don't think in general it's healthy. And 16 is only a step away from 15. And also obviously there are 15 and 16 year olds having sex. But it's a different case entirely when they are having sex-lets say with someone no more than 4 to 5 years older-although I know most state laws that have an age exception for statutory rape have a smaller age range than 5 years-and the partner is much older.



  15. I was also one of those that was skeptical of the child porn accusation. I'm willing to admit I'm wrong and he appears totally guilty. Hope he gets the maximum sentence.


    I don't have a lot of patience for people that are into kids. Get him off the streets and into some place that can help him.



    One thing to remember is that even if it's not true, the government is really good at railroading you if they want to.



    I have no sympathy for child porn. But I may have actually seen some once. Nothing with children. They were at the very least teenagers. I wasn't searching for it. It was a long time ago when I was 16. I was at Kutz Camp outside Warwick, NY. We had a class on Social Justice/Social Action. We must have been talking about exploitation/porn. I remember the teacher brought either a magazine or maybe only xeroxed copies of the magazine (more likely as I doubt he would have had enough magazines for the entire class). It was an all male magazine that I think was from Germany. It showed young-ish guys. I don't know that they were younger than 18 or not. But considering the exploitation theme-possibly. Talking about that magazine was I think where I learned the term 'chicken' in a gay sense. I can't remember if the pictures showed 'the goods' or had (more likely) their private parts blacked out/held their hands over them. Thinking back-it seems such a strange experience to show to a mixed - sex class of adolescents. I mean it was definitely informative. But I wonder if the camp authorities knew the teacher was doing that. And in this day and age I have trouble seeing it occurring for adolescents as young as we were.




    PS The more I think back 38 years the more I'm sure most of what we saw was xeroxed pages most likely with the goods covered up. But I still have this vague memory of an actual magazine with a yellow cover featuring black and white photos of naked male teens. I was probably more interested than the average student. But of course I was gay. And at 16 these guys were near my age.

  16. I never saw this show BUT had heard of it and was at a party and the older guy I was with kept trying to get me to remember this show because there was a guy there (kinda short blond hair like in his 50's) who was a "ventruiliquist (sic)?" on this show??? That make sense lol??


    PS As you can see, he is nowhere in his 50's -early thirties tops and probably in his 20's.






  17. Soap stands out for me as a show I really liked when I was very young too. I think both Soap and Golden Girls dealt with sex and especially sexual repression very openly for their time, with a sense of humor. As a repressed little gay boy I could really relate to that.


    As for Susan Harris's depiction of gays...I was thankful she acknowledged we existed at all, pretty much no one else on prime time did.


    I just thought it was funny. I don't think either Soap or the Golden Girls really appealed to me due to my sexuality. If I remember right, golden Girls came on Friday or Saturday. My lack of a social life and love of sitcoms probably contributed to my watching it more than anything else.



  18. I never saw this show BUT had heard of it and was at a party and the older guy I was with kept trying to get me to remember this show because there was a guy there (kinda short blond hair like in his 50's) who was a "ventruiliquist (sic)?" on this show??? That make sense lol??


    Chuck and his dummy Bob. The ventriloquist's real name is Jay Johnson.








  19. It's the same people who brought you Golden Girls. I loved Soap, but not Golden Girls.


    Kevin Slater


    I liked the Golden Girls-but I wasn't a fanatic about it as gay men are often stereotyped to be. I probably like Empty Nest also by Susan Harris just as much.



  20. It had one of the first openly gay characters Billy Crystal as Jodie Dallas. He was really stereotypical to begin with. But then after several seasons had relationships with women while maintaining he was gay. So not the best depiction. But a depiction. I was 16 when it came on. I don't think I knew I was gay at that point. I may have had some suspicions -it's so difficult to remember what I thought 38 years ago. When this first came on, I hadn't even masturbated yet. That milestone occurred later in the school year.


    Ted Wass who plays his brother Danny Dallas was really handsome. And so was Robert Urich who played Peter Campbell. For some reason I really liked watching them. :rolleyes:


    Here is the first episode. I still found it funny.







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