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  1. Highly disappointed with him! I made plans to see him the last time he was in Boston and he kept making excuses. I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt by trying to meet the second time since things do come up... This time I texted in advance to meet.. setting date and time to make sure and he even asked for me to remind him a few hours before our meeting on the day of. He asked to push meeting out 30 mins. Then after expecting him I reached out when he was 10 mins late and he said he needed another 90 mins of time to be here. Absolutely ridiculous. Complete waste of my time and something tells me if he's done it twice to one person, he's done this to others. And his "I can bring a friend" line since they are playing as a couple, doesn't cut it for me. If I wanted them both, I would've said so in the beginning. Furthermore, if he only plays with his boyfriend, he should've spoke up about it sooner.
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