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Everything posted by Mr.E

  1. Mr.E


    I hated this too. It was full of cinematic cliches, very sad and little plot.
  2. Thanks @Mr.E!!! Meatball Mike! I knew that the guy looked familiar, but I could not quite figure it out!!! Sure. I have a thing for tattoo recognition and beards.
  3. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-meatball_mike.141507/#post-1640090
  4. Any experience with this guy? He’s a new member of rentmasseur and kinda pricey. https://rentmasseur.com/Narcissoxl
  5. Welcome to the forum! While I have no experience with Brian, I understand the nearly impossible task of searching for this Brian among all the others mentioned here. When I search here, my first move is to search using the particular provider’s site link; just paste the whole thing into the search field and search. Thanks for spelling out “Los Angeles” in your thread’s title. “LA” is also hard to search for.
  6. Excellent pics today, @steed8 !
  7. I find Samuel Colt super hot but IMO it’s a bit disappointing when he cums. It just kind of leaks out where it’s not supposed to.
  8. Here’s how I feel about tipping. Anyone who works for tips is generally not rolling in dough. For my barber I tip at least $5 or 20%, whichever is greater. When the holidays come around, I’ll give an extra tip, like twice the cost of a haircut. In the long run, I’m not really going to miss the cash but I like to make sure that I appreciate someone who does a good job for me.
  9. Here’s how I feel about tipping. Anyone who works for tips is generally not rolling in dough. For my barber I tip at least $5 or 20%, whichever is greater. When the holidays come around, I’ll give an extra tip, like twice the cost of a haircut. In the long run, I’m not really going to miss the cash but I like to make sure that I appreciate someone who does a good job for me.
  10. Hmm. He might move around a lot. He has an LA area code so there’s hope he’ll return.
  11. Geez! Is that his chest underneath that t-shirt or a mattress?
  12. Anyone have info or experience? https://rentmen.eu/Alavo
  13. It’s best just to talk with him about what you like. He will get a good read from you as things progress.
  14. Oh look! A three-fingered selfie.
  15. My vote goes to stud number 2. I vaguely recall seeing that picture several years ago. Maybe a Rentboy ad?
  16. That’s not Vin. I don’t know who it is.
  17. His doctored pics will be easy enough to spot.
  18. ...and for those that don’t know, he once appeared as a landscape architect on an HGTV show (but, sadly, wearing clothes).
  19. Pete Kuzak. He did it for me in every way, especially when furry.
  20. You may have noticed that when Khalil was quoted in replies before changing his name, the quote maintains the user name he had at the time. Have a look at FrankR’s reply above.
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