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Everything posted by foleynyc

  1. Formerly "Valentino." Dreadful. Avoid at all costs.
  2. Does anyone know what has become of August? He was my all-time favorite. I first encountered him at Babylon years ago and then would see him privately. I would see him when I was in town at 27 but it is now closed. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I'm a 67 year old guy, fairly attractive, in ok but not spectacular shape. I'm curious as to whether there are NYC masseurs who are particularly attentive to the older crowd. Age or ethnicity not important. I've had some sessions that were just fantastic and lots of meh. I know this is a vague request as the luck of the draw applies to all of these interactions, but thought I'd give it a shot.
  4. I had the misfortune of hiring Valentino during the summer. Great body but his personality and massage skills are abysmal.
  5. The new Shangrila on 5th Ave also has a table shower
  6. "Gunbigs" is back in NYC and well worth the visit. Saw him Thursday. Excellent time. His massage is AAA/5 Star. Convenient location in Harlem. By all means take the A Train while he's still in town.
  7. Anyone try him? https://rentmasseur.com/MalekLA
  8. I agree. Fine massage but apartment dirty....an unpleasant experience
  9. I saw him last year. He was on Park Row. An excellent time was had!
  10. Seems to have been around for while. Anyone with any experience? https://rentmasseur.com/massagemanforman
  11. Avoid. Lousy massage but very insistent upselling. First bad experience I've had there
  12. I had to cancel my scheduled appointment as I was called into work yesterday. I was going to reschedule but the $300 rate was a bit much
  13. Has anyone tried Libero https://rentmasseur.com/Libero
  14. Anyone tried him? https://rentmasseur.com/Leo_guy
  15. Has anyone tried him? https://rentmasseur.com/TJ_SEA
  16. https://rentmasseur.com/Marlon_Msg Has anyone tried Marlon?
  17. No, never mentioned a tip. Overall a very nice guy, but I want to enjoy the massage and not worry whether I'm going to be in pain for a week.
  18. Sergey's number deactivated on RM. I too would appreciate his number. PM please. Thanks!
  19. Agree. Saw Philip for 2nd time Sat evening and still in pain on Tues. I enjoy and requested a strong massage, 1st massage was fine but last one will be my last one.
  20. I used to see Sam regularly a couple of years ago but was away and lost track of him when back to NYC. He is fantastic--sweet, hot, passionate, kind. Definitely worth a try...
  21. I was a regular with August at Babylon and saw him privately when he left. I've been away for the last few months and now can't seem to find him. Does anyone know if he's still around?
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