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Posts posted by Luvmassage

  1. It was not something I learned it simply occurred after my prostate was removed since I can no longer have an ejaculation, however, I can still have an orgasm so I have a dry orgasm.  

    Those who still have a prostate can also have a dry orgasm, however, it involves pressing on the so called MDP (Million Dollar Point) which is also called the perinium.  It is the tube between the anus and the testicles.  It is my understanding if you push on this location when you are close to ejaculating it will stop the semen from coming out and you will have an intense climax with no ejaculation.

  2. I think there is a bit of confusion between orgasm and ejaculation.  You can continue to have orgasms after removing the prostate.  I had my prostate removed and my orgasms are better than they were before.  There is something called Kegel exercises which they tell you to do after a radical prostatectomy.  It actually enhanced my orgasm in a way I never felt before.

    Men dealing with prostate cancer have many factors to consider on whether to be treated and if so which treatment to pursue.  If you cannot give up ejaculations and are not worried about the potential spread of cancer then don't do anything.  However, if continuing to have orgasms is the most important thing you can still be treated for prostate cancer (at least with a radical prostatectomy) and enjoy orgasms and perhaps even more powerful ones.



  3. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer three years ago and was under active surveillance.  Early this year my cancer changed and my urologist recommended I seek treatment.  After consultations with many different doctors and differing recommendations of what to do I decided to have a robotic prostatectomy.  I had a complicating factor in that my prostate was quite large and was bulging into my bladder which was causing constant bladder and UTI infections.  Therefore, removal made the most sense for me since I was taking care of two issues.

    As one of the previous people mentioned you need to really evaluate your own situation and the various factors since everyone is different and the form of treatment can vary depending upon the situation.  I decided that I could not live with the cancer inside of me and as I mentioned I needed to take care of the enlarged prostate issue as well.

    The robotic surgery was very successful.  I had it done at Stanford Hospital.  I was able to achieve erections after about one month and the urinary incontinence has gone about two months after surgery.   Those are the two biggest risk factors with the surgery.

    I am very happy with my decision to have the robotic surgery.  If you would like more information feel free to reach out to me.

  4. I took both Tamsulosin and Finasteride due to an enlarged prostate and frequency of urination.  During the time I took those medications I had reverse ejaculations which was a bit unsatisfying.  The good news is that I was ultimately able to go off of both medications, the bad news was that I was able to go off of them since I had my prostate removed due to prostate cancer.  Just glad it was detected early. 

    Fortunately, I am still able to produce erections after the surgery and the climaxes are amazing even though I am no longer able to ejaculate semen.  They credit the Kegel exercises for more powerful climaxes.  I would highly recommend doing Kegel exercises even if you still have your prostate.  Your ejaculations/climaxes will be even more powerful. 

  5. Curious if anyone has had experience with the following SF masseurs:


    Kenneth - https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/18630

    Pictures look interesting but has not had any recent reviews.


    Mikey - https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/27234


    Two Asians - https://rentmasseur.com/PlsTextTwoAsians

    Appear to be visiting SF from Toronto. Does not list their names but pictures would indicate they are very hot. I guess if you only do two handed it is the luck of the draw on which one you would get.

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