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Everything posted by jtaq1295

  1. Nice. Also interested!
  2. Bump....he's coming to DC and his body looks amazing. Tattoo doesn't bother me
  3. Bump- cant find any reviews which makes me very skeptical!
  4. No reviews....anybody met him? In DC right now.
  5. Hey all- someone on my favorites list just landed in my city! https://rentmen.eu/Kaili I don't see any daddy review or thread on here though....anybody have any input/recommend? PM me Thanks, JT
  6. I’ve talked with him on Grindr before. Seems legit but never hired....yet
  7. Lucky for all those that connected! Looks like he’s back in nyc. Probably uses a burner phone on WiFi for this stuff lol....
  8. I’m also trying to get a hold of him....
  9. Actually update on my own post: I found his Instagram and it looks like he’s gotten a bit soft :/ Not judging.....but also not paying
  10. And most important....does he still look like his pics? They’re kindof old....
  11. Can anyone confirm he still looks like those pics?
  12. Only thing bumming me out....he hasn’t sent me any text of updated pics- just ignores those requests. Many of his rm pics are old....
  13. Thanks! I couldn’t find that when searching
  14. He snapchats too.... should I take the plunge?
  15. He’s texted me photos, and he had photos up before. I know
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