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Neek NYC

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  1. I’m sorry that your experience wasn’t to your satisfaction, and thank you for clarifying. One of my clients informed me about your post. I had no idea such forums existed. He wasn’t able to comment in my defense. I decided I would. Again, I’m sorry that this was your experience. I have an idea of who you might be, but I don’t want to make assumptions. Next time it would be nice to just inform me if there was something that went left for you. I’m sure there isn’t a next time, but post like these do have an effect on my business. You have the right to post whatever you like, of course! Would have been nice if you at least said the massage was good lol. However, it’s the past. Have a great week!
  2. Of course! I was actually told by one of my clients about a site that had a bad post about me. He wanted to comment but wasn’t a member so I made an account and immediately commented. I’m glad Urbanite was honest about the massage experience. I pride myself in my profession. I’ve been a massage therapist for over 5 years. Please let me know if you are ever in the area and want to book a massage, thanks!
  3. Hello, I don’t know who you are or why you posted this. I always give my clients an opportunity to speak up if there is an issue with my service. I have a great resume with my client base. I’ve never had a complaint. I’ve even had at least 2 clients who have asked for way more than I can offer. I’ve politely declined the advances in a respectful way. One of them is still my client and understands. The other client harassed me obsessively. I had to politely tell him to find another masseur that would be willing to give him what I could not provide. I’m not sure if you are the person posting this. However, I would like to assure you all reading this. When you come to me you get top notch service. I provide not only a great massage, but I also include amenities in my service (shower, hot towel, and bottled water). I’m located in the heart of Chelsea. Many of my clients range from elite upscale business men all the way to blue collar, and retirees. They are very loyal to me and continue to come back. If I’m honest I’ve only had one client that didn’t come back for a repeat. This was a person who I declined due to continued sexual advances being made after politely saying no, and asking for more. I would have loved for whoever posted this to reach out to me. This is my job, and how I make a living. I always give my clients an opportunity to speak up if dissatisfied with my service. I’ve yet to experience someone telling me they were dissatisfied even the one client who made continuous sexual advances in exchange for money. If you guys click my link I have an awesome deal this weekend and next week! I would love for you all to come by and see me! https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/32593/
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