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Posts posted by Jameslamassage

  1. If you're going to a Thai place, just make sure they don't press directly on your spine or on any sensitive parts of the ribs. Also, don't let them work on your neck. I've heard horror stories from clients... anytime I go to a Thai place, I just get the foot massage as that is a safe bet.


    I'm always mindful of the false economy, paying less for a service (thai place) that ultimately leads to more expense or hardship (suffering a contusion or rib crack from a reckless masseur). And that's why I never get an actual massage at a Thai Place, simply not worth it. I take my body and health a little more seriously than that. Good luck on your quest though!

  2. It is true that discrimination comes in many forms. There have been interesting discussions on this forum regarding whether massage clients prefer their therapist to be gay or straight.


    One guy in particular, a while back scheduled an appointment with me. But when he realized that I might be straight (I consider myself pansexual as I am intellectually and emotionally more attracted to men but physically attracted to women) he specifically stated that he wanted to cancel because he only wants a masseur that is gay to work on him. Which is totally fine by me, I never get upset if someone wants to cancel or reschedule. I work enough and am financially stable enough to the point where I really don't mind. But the experience did strike me as very interesting.... nobody likes to be discriminated against

  3. All of this input from James has definitely made me decide to never try him despite some of the good reviews that had me on the verge.

    That's cool, no big deal. I prefer clients that appreciate real Bodywork when they receive it, and my Instagram has plenty of proof that my skills are undeniable. Nice reviews are cool and all but lately I've taken pride in actually posting pictures of the results I get in one session. Yeah I can be a little cocky sometimes but I back it up dude

  4. Smart move. I tried James a couple of months ago. The bizarre and constant bragging was simply not backed up by any real massage skill. Nothing about the experience was remotely appealing. Needless to say, my first session was also my last session and I have no intention of ever returning. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice - nope, not gonna happen.

    Really, I fooled you? I don't think so dude. If you scheduled time with me, you not only got your full allotted time but I am certain you also got myofascial release. It's too bad you're never going to try me again, not for my sake but for yours. The work I do on hip flexors legs and feet these days is unmatched. My Instagram is full of awesome pictures of feet..before/after results pics. Any Discerning massage client that sees those pictures and understands the beauty of real Bodywork will schedule with me in the future based on the results I consistently get these days. Couldn't care less that you won't be repeat client, but I do appreciate your input.

  5. It’s fascinating to watch you destroy your business in real time.

    BH weho has been predicting the decline of my business for months, LOL. Has yet to happen, why would it? I am competent in what I do, and that means I will always attract business. Entertaining comment but not close to reality unfortunately. Be objective my friend.... I have five requests for massage today I am unable to service...

  6. It appears that Jameslamassage is following (stalking?) fratphysicals - in the space of a few minutes he has attempted to insult and intimidate fratphysicals in 3 different threads. Does not seem like a "LOL" situation to me. He does seem to be driving himself over a professional cliff.

    Dude I'm just having fun. It's really not a big deal. Bratz whimsical is the Regina George of this board. No question. And yes that is a LOL situation in my book

  7. Yes, he's a stranger character this @Jameslamassage

    Is not normal the way he reacts to either positive, or negative situations.

    That's funny dude, you said personal attacks are not warranted on this board... Yet you liked @fratphysicals calling me unstable. Isn't that a little hypocritical, even if you agree with him? Whatever dude I'm busy today don't care LOL. I enjoy dealing with trolls on the internet from time to time, it's not a sign of instability. It's free entertainment... I am well spoken, articulate, and highly intelligent... not to mention, fiercely competitive. Again, not a sign of instability typically lol...

  8. An unstable person? LOL. Perhaps in your subjective mind. Objectively speaking, I am competent in what I do and an open book. You post no pictures of yourself online, and have a reputation on this board for being a mean girl that sometimes says other masseurs look like pedophiles. I got a great message from another member on this board that specifically stated @fratphysicals does need to be scolded from time to time as he does have a history of being abusive (Regina George of Mean Girls lmao) on this board. Go ahead and post one picture of yourself as your Avatar dude, I dare you. You should be more honest about what you look like, so massage therapists everywhere can decline servicing you. Especially since you have no problem insulting masseurs that you have received (or haven't) gotten services from. Until then, try to stay objective. Being subjective is what makes you look like an idiot, not me.

  9. Ok, I understand. However @fratphysicals clearly feels like it's okay to objectify masseurs... Calling Sean "very wacky" on top of a super harsh review of his massage, Matt a "little too Twinkish"... somehow his posts are okay and appropriate, yet when I have discussed aspects of Massage Therapy that don't typically get talked about, frat physicals will say that I am advertising my services and that the board is not meant for that. Ridiculous double standard that is morally unjust. Is the board meant for him to anonymously pan providers that have their pictures posted online? I am the ultimate Good Samaritan in real life, fratphysicals is an online bully and the consummate coward. I'm calling him out because nobody else is doing it. I'm sorry you wouldn't feel comfortable getting a massage from me based on internet postings, but it's ultimately your loss. Plenty of people already know I have legit skills and I can Breeze through a two-hour session like it's nothing....so ya I have no problems booking work. Def not worried. Lol

  10. I had a decent experience with him. Really nice kid. Cute, a bit too twinkish for me but some might be into that. Very skinny and handsome. Okay massage but he happily provided me with HE.

    Wow I think this is the most glowing massage review I've seen u write so far. Was the massage technical enough for you? Obviously not, just messing with you dude LOL... another note, saying that someone is too "twinkish" for you, isn't that borderline racist/discriminatory? Or at the very least, chauvinist. Labeling someone on their body type? Men are typically called chauvinist pigs, but it's mostly straight women calling straight men that. Seeing the way you write your reviews and your general disposition on this forum, I can definitely say you are an entitled, male chauvinistic Pig. I doubt you have ever worked very hard, and therefore lack a basic appreciation of others...certainly that provide for you. The worst kind of client that pays for massages and objectifies masseurs on the internet like they are pieces of meat... your reviews are usually pretty harsh dude. I don't think any masseur worth his salt would knowingly take you as a client if they understood how quick you are to poorly review the massage if it's not 1,000% to your liking. But that's common in someone like yourself that is shallow and acts entitled.

  11. Seattle is a wasteland. And it appears as though none of the masseurs on MF respond at all.

    Lmao!!!! Maybe all of the massage therapists in Seattle don't want to provide for you... hardly surprising given your energy, covert hostility, and predisposed ideas. Also comedy gold that you describe Seattle as a "wasteland", when that's descriptive of a disastrous event and not what is more accurately: dudes not wanting to provide for you...lmao. you have a beautiful mind for sure. I hope your next massage is an enjoyable one, and you're able to post a nice review about it. But the fact that nobody in Seattle wants to even return your call is hardly surprising... Lollll ... and if I have it my way, it would be the same in LA... don't provide for @fratphysicals and if you do, and he reviews your massage on this forum later, us masseurs need to talk and figure out how to not provide for him ever again. Not worth it for any amount of money - he is covertly hostile and toxic. Until then, I'm not going to worry about it at all! I'm still laughing my ass off actually...

  12. Been watching this one for a while now. Not sure I want to take the plunge, though. Something about his pics say he’s moody - I hope I’m wrong hah

    I'd prefer someone who is Moody over someone who is covertly hostile like yourself. Lol. At least a moody person is upfront with their emotions, whereas you chuckle and appear friendly, until you later post a crazy harsh review on the massage you received from an unsuspecting masseur that provided for you. Terrible. I should create a website called bad massage clients. Com and somehow feature you number one, LOL, as I believe all masseurs should be able to avoid your kind and book nicer guys instead that are a little more appreciative in general...

  13. I can say from experience, when you become erect as a masseur it gets a lot more difficult to focus on the technical aspects of massage... LMAO. You're still cracking me up @fratphysicals , on one hand you happily say that Matt gets hard but then complain that the massage is not skilled & technical enough for you... you are 100% the worst client for any masseur in Los Angeles to ever have... Because you probably don't say much during the massage and otherwise don't stand out much but have crazy harsh criticism that you post online later. I definitely wish there was a way for masseurs like me and others to keep clients like you away. Too many nice, wonderful guys to provide for, that don't have vitriol of the mind like you seem to. You probably think you post impartial reviews, but I see serious cracks in your character dude. If you want a technical massage, find someone that offers a 2-hour session and request at least 90 minutes... And have the masseur stay clothed during the majority of the massage. When both dudes are naked throughout the session, it can be distracting and Technical work becomes less focused. LOL keep up the great work dude, you are unintentionally hilarious for sure. I will continue laughing at your expense, as you search endlessly for the perfect massage... obviously Matt only offers a 60-minute session, so how can you expect very much technical work in that time? Your complaints are awful and I feel bad for the next masseur that has to touch your body... completely unaware that you will likely say something harsh about him later online when he likely tried his best.

  14. Mark and I are going to trade massages soon actually! I've heard great things about his massage. Definitely looking forward to it, especially since we're both in North Hollywood and I need another masseur that is strong enough to pick up my legs and do the hip flexor work I do on others. Need my own work done on myself, LOL, funny problem to have, right?


    @fratphysicals I'm not desperate, dude. You're unintentionally hilarious. I mentioned the fact that I've helped a blind person cross train tracks because I have a consistent life history of helping others, regardless of age, gender or race. You can think whatever you want to, lol. I know you have not helped others and extended your hand unconditionally to strangers and friends the way I have throughout my life. It takes serious courage to live the life that I have lived. The only thing I know is you like to act holier than thou on the internet, give crazy harsh reviews on Masseurs you did not like, judge character based on Forum postings, post personal assumptions about someone like myself that provides and brings legit energy to every single massage... Perhaps in life you haven't been challenged enough and lack character. I don't really care. Just because I sometimes spend a few minutes each week posting on this forum, on average, doesn't mean I lack focus on my craft. I multitask like a mofo and accomplish a lot more than the average person while making life look easy. I sometimes have haters because of this, but I laugh all the way to the bank and into the nookie. Haha. And just because I answer negative reviews, doesn't mean I am insecure about my services. On the contrary, it shows that I care enough to bother replying and acknowledging. I can tear apart your logic all day long dude, and I probably shouldn't because it's not fair to you. But your condescending advice that my posting here is somehow an act of desperation really shows you cannot deal with dissent and would prefer to act holier than thou than take the time to really analyze and discover. I've given hundreds of massages over the past few months, and I've seen about 5 or so negative reviews online in that time frame. I do have incredible stamina and energy, it is very rare for me to tire out even during a two hour massage. And I do have days of booking three or four consecutive two hour sessions with regulars. I don't know anybody else who does massage as many hours a day as me, especially Sport and trigger point like I do. Most guys I've talked to don't book more than or three sessions in a day. On most days, I can do 4-6 massages and still have energy to spare, to play with my dog at the end of a long day or make myself a smoothie or meal. Doesn't mean I schedule that many every day, but I am capable of it. Again, your logic is faulty and it appears you are a serious piece of work because your attempts to make it seem like there are tons of negative reviews on my service is absolutely ridiculous given the number of massages I give every week. Pretty certain I have a 90% customer satisfaction rate, if not higher. Your philosophy on how a masseur is supposed to behave online and other preconceived notions are my free entertainment right now. I'm not watching Netflix because I'm actually being your daddy at this point (like it or not lol!!). And dude, don't even answer this. Let's just let this go. Lol. Hopefully this thread will disappear forever, and you can get your panties out of a bunch next time you see me post in another thread. Lmao. Good luck with your next massage experience. I'm glad you won't be picking me LOL.... but if you did, I'd have no idea and would treat U kindly of course... not to mention, I would do hip flexor leg and feet body work for you that nobody else in town even knows how to do. Hahaha. But I am almost fully booked for this weekend already, and it's not even Saturday morning. hoping my other fellow masseurs in Los Angeles can also book this weekend and make lots of money. Blessed and thankful, cheers everybody! Stay cool, another scorcher tomorrow... thanks @fratphysicals for the laughs, better than a comedy show in LA on a Friday night or a Netflix comedy special... I will likely be laughing for the next several days here and there about other silly notions you (most) likely have in your head... I am also an expert in psychology, not just a talented massage therapist...

  15. He's also unfortunately this chatty in person, it was a turn off but didn't want to tell him. Though he was prompt and met me at my place exactly when we have discussed which was great because LA. If I read his responses on here before booking I would've decided on someone else ---hate that 'I'm better' attitude and 'I can spot a bad masseur just by looking at their ad' bs. His massage was alright, wasn't too fond of the 'I'm better than all of the other masseurs' comment through out the massage ----DURING THE MASSAGE. It almost felt like he was still advertising for himself while I was already on his table --- pass on James. He's not the best masseur as he makes it seem to be. Think about it, if he were would he be advertising so aggressively?

    Honestly dude I probably shouldn't have taken your job. But you sounded nice and I was happy to meet you. It was my 5th or 6th massage that day, I was pretty tired but went through with it anyway and I still accomplished myofascial release... it's no excuse but it's common for any massage therapist to get a little chatty once tired, to keep up the energy and finish the massage. ... Be well

  16. Not surprising. He seems like a very strange dude.


    Oh darn @fratphysicals , what do you consider normal? I love life, am in great shape, don't lift weights or follow a rigorous diet, have total freedom of my schedule and my priorities... get laid all the time... have zero drama in my life, and I laugh a lot because my brain is a supercomputer and I find a lot of humor in things (genius IQ of 145 at age 12, HS grad at 14). I'm sorry you think that's very strange ... Be well good sir, I hope your (not) "very strange" life is somehow better and more rewarding than mine lmao... certainly, calling a provider "very strange" anonymously online makes me wonder how fulfilled your life is. In an average week I do good for more people with my hands than you probably ever have. I also regularly help homeless folks in certain pockets of LA with my own time and resources, independently and alone. Do you take pride in caring for others like I do, hands-on, regardless of payment? Don't speak badly about someone of Goodwill, because that is me 100%. It's part of the golden rule. I can take constructive criticism, but you went too far dude. Don't forget to laugh though, it burns calories and relieves stress. Lol. Stay loose!


    PS: I will gladly accept your apology anytime @fratphysicals. Certainly, if you believe in karma it's the right thing to do. Have you ever helped a blind man walk across train tracks? I have, dude. Looking forward to your response. Don't be shy.

  17. It's too bad you guys don't seem to be on Instagram. I've been killing it lately, the before and after pictures I post of legs and feet are pretty phenomenal. The photos are taken from my cell phone and not photoshopped in any way. Obviously arrogance and cockiness is a turn-off, along with chatting too much during massage. I understand that. Sorry some of you dudes were not satisfied. Advising to pass on me is pretty silly though, since I do always get myofascial release which means my massage is always at the very least decent. But in particular over the past few weeks I've been making clients taller by releasing their hip flexors and evening out legs & feet. Again check my Instagram if you're skeptical, lots of before and after feet pictures. I don't know any other masseurs who do this and I now have quite a few massage therapist friends that want to learn my hip flexor routine which runs about 45 minutes in total to really get it done right. When my massage was initially reviewed on this forum, I was not getting requests to train other massage therapists in Los Angeles. Now I am. The result pictures I have been posting on Instagram have gotten a lot of attention lately because they are stunning. Again, recommending all future readers of this board to pass on me when I'm still developing all my techniques and skills is pretty myopic. But to each his own. :) insta @Jameslamassage

  18. The dispensary I go to is literally Inside a Mobile Trailer in a random Auto Body parking lot in the valley. I get crazy good deals on fire bud. LOL I would never go anywhere else at this point. As others have mentioned, Girl Scout cookies is my go to strain for libido enhancement, or any other purple strains. I love Green Crack sativa for cleaning the house, and Gorilla Glue is usually pretty bomb no matter where you get it. I avoid Blue Dream because it tends to make the heart race, but every batch and person is different of course. Jack Herer is great for creativity, and sour strains tend to be good for nausea from my experience. If you see too many orange hairs on the flower it was likely harvested too early, and the best way to judge a bud is to break it in half and smell it

  19. Ever visit the DC AREA

    Hi! Thanks for asking, have not traveled to any cities for working vacations yet... I stay busy here in LA but I may do a San Francisco trip sometime this summer. And I do have a client that offered to pay for my hotel room if I go to New York City so that could be a possibility around September or October. Happy Sunday!

  20. Has anyone ever gotten a bank to side with them in these disputes?? They take the charge off, give the seller so many days to respond, which can be something as simple as a copy of the bill, and then recharge you. It's theater.


    A few years ago I had a $1200 charge from a tattoo parlor in Hawaii placed 10 minutes after I was buying gasoline in Virginia (no fraud alert !?!). They withdrew the charge while in dispute. A month later they recharged me saying the business had provided a copy of the bill.


    If you're in the same state, Small Claims Court is often a small fee alternative that gets results.

    Absolutely, I have always gotten the bank to side with me on disputes like this. Small Claims court not necessary - as long as your method of payment was a Visa or MasterCard or other major bank. I had a $700 charge reversed one time, it's very simple:


    You call the bank phone number on the back of your card, ask to dispute a charge, tell the bank rep the day/dollar amount/company that fraudulently/incorrectly charged you, and once they have all the info they should credit your account in 12-24 hours. Then, the business has 30 days (IIRC) to submit paperwork stating that you agreed to be charged/paid for the service, etc. At any point in those 30 days, your bank may take the money back out of your account if they determine the charge was not incorrect or fraudulent in any way. The business has to submit a substantial amount of paperwork on their own behalf in order to prove this and get the bank to side with them. But even if that happens, you can just call the bank again and dispute it again. But generally, if you're in the "right" - you'll get your money back in 24 hours, a letter in the mail, and the bank may want to issue you a new card so that you don't get charged from the same company (or someone else fraudulent) in the future.

  21. $1/month or $5/month for FMG's blog is a steal! And yes a $50 Visa/MC prepaid card will run $55 at a grocery store and would last for many months...


    @FrequentMassageGetter next time you're around my area, I'll give you a 90 minute session for $100 flat dude. I know you typically only do 60 minutes but I know you've been working a lot lately and could use more therapeutic work! I've added a lot of new wrinkles to my routines since the last time I saw you & it really takes 90 minutes to do a majority of them... Hip flexor work in particular, compression stretching along with incorporating Glucosamine/MSM/Arnica cream for hands/arms & magnesium oil for the bottom of the feet (best part of the body for magnesium to absorb topically). I also have a cream called Celadrin that I use for my "good" regulars (lol) that I apply to the L4/L5 low back area. Using these products makes my costs go up a bit but I make it back in tips and the way I apply them is very therapeutic. BTW good job getting a new blog back up so quickly!

  22. Done...bank says $$ will be credited back to my account in the next 12 hours. Since M4M is not answering any phone calls or emails there's no way they'll go through the paperwork to dispute my claim that they charged my card on June 21 while shutting down my profile and having no intentions of providing their service or fixing their site. And even if they did, it would be an exercise in futility for them as the bank would still side with me. Understanding the strength of the original Visa and MasterCard agreements, especially in the world of online business, is crucial when talking to the bank rep - but ultimately if you articulate the problem well enough they'll understand and it's pretty easy from there.

  23. Please ignore my french.... But those mother fuckers.... They just charged my card a few days ago.. I logged in and received a notice your card will no longer be charged.


    Plan Type Platinum Plus Plan

    Information Retrieved 06/21/18 at 3:29 PM

    Ad Expiration Date

    Current rebilling status:

    Your billing is currently STOPPED. You will NOT be billed again.


    So you just charged me a few days and decided to keep my money; You shut off the phone lines for customer service, Stopped responding to emails and calls.


    Karma is a bitch....

    Honestly dude, Instagram has been a great tool for me lately. It's free, you can post personal blog-type content (along with holistic info, selfies, etc) and it's free! Have gotten a few clients lately from it and it's easy to include your MasseurFinder link (or other profile) at the top of your profile. Not sure if you're on IG but add me if you are - @Jameslamassage - and don't worry you'll get your $$ back, I'm going to call my bank right now and get mine back...will post an update once I finish talking to the bank rep

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