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Everything posted by Chris1976

  1. I was told most have some sort of disk disease some more advanced than others. a physical therapist told me the car wreck in 98 had a lot to do with mine plus being a licensed massage therapist for 20 years he and the neurologist felt I did it for too long. add in bad body mechanics. massage does a lot of pulling on your chest which can overdevelop it which can pull on the back. I've never once asked for any pain meds because the moment you do there's always this one doctor ready to label you. once I went too the emergency room blood pressure 200 over 110 and some snarky female doctor told me they don't treat chronic pain. one doctor told me I was too nice and nice people die and that I needed to learn to be a bitch lol his exact words. normal not wanting to deal with doctors and scared of surgery I self medicate with the use of medical cannabis and kratom and a once a month visit to a chiropractor. Also got me a little dog. the love of an animal can do wonders
  2. I was told most have some sort of disk disease some more advanced than others. a physical therapist told me the car wreck in 98 had a lot to do with mine plus being a licensed massage therapist for 20 years he and the neurologist felt I did it for too long. add in bad body mechanics. massage does a lot of pulling on your chest which can overdevelop it which can pull on the back. I've never once asked for any pain meds because the moment you do there's always this one doctor ready to label you. once I went too the emergency room blood pressure 200 over 110 and some snarky female doctor told me they don't treat chronic pain. one doctor told me I was too nice and nice people die and that I needed to learn to be a bitch lol his exact words. normal not wanting to deal with doctors and scared of surgery I self medicate with the use of medical cannabis and kratom and a once a month visit to a chiropractor. Also got me a little dog. the love of an animal can do wonders
  3. It's hard I know I've been sick for a while. I was involved in a fall in late 2014 that resulted in chronic pain daily due to neuropathy and later on essential tremors. also diagnosed with severe disc degeneration disease of the thoracic spine. saw a neurologist and he pretty much made things worse. He prescribed clonazepam for the tremors. I had never taken any medication on a regular bases and had no clue what benzo was. Just that it would make the tremors go away. I started at .5 and 4 years later it was up to 2mg day, started getting sick all the time, muscle pain, joint pain internal tremors, loss of balance. I was clueless to the dangers of benzos. He had me on this medication for 4 years then I made an appointment with another doctor, that's when I found out about tolerance wd, benzodiazepine wd syndrome found out that benzos aren't recommended for long term use of more than 4 weeks. Found out that 70% have no side effects or negative reactions while 30% suffer negative side effects. this medication ruined my central nervous system. It took me 18 months to slowly taper that garbage out of my body with horrible side effects. The last dose was 3 months ago and still req a cane to balance, skin burns like it has lighter fluid poured on it and set on fire. 3 to 5 days at a time with no sleep. one suicide attempt halfway through the taper due to the physical pain. I find it hard to trust doctors any longer so I've had no medical care in over a year
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