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Lucas Weston

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Everything posted by Lucas Weston

  1. It flies every single day my friend people who take risk are rewarded, I don't take the faith my friends place in me lightly I have had one friend for 7 years he's help me with over 500k over the years and it all started with that first small act of faith. People who let fear rule their lives never get to experience the best that life has to offer.
  2. Bottom line if you don't like how I do things go somewhere else this isn't a negotiation or a discussion there will be no compromise. I do what I do so I don't have to listen to some asshole bark orders at me so if you call me acting that way... well that's what your going to get.
  3. Honestly that is why I just ignored all the arguing about it, its common knowledge simple fact..... maybe its a regional thing ? and where they are at it isn't required ?
  4. I am only interested in meeting people who want to make a genuine connection with a younger man, share his wisdom and knowledge of this life and possibility some of his success. I am absolutely not interested in meeting people who think I am just an item to be ordered off a menu, so if that's you do us both a favor and move on to someone else. REAL CONNECTIONS NEED ONLY APPLY
  5. The fact that you consider other human beings meals tells me and any decent person all I need to know about you I stopped reading after that.
  6. Excuse me if, I offended you just stating the facts of what happened. Thank you !!!! Finally !!! when you have to sift through 500+ phone calls, texts and emails see what you require to take a person seriously.
  7. Thank you very much, for upholding your website rules Furthermore for the record I was not a NO SHOW we never made plans or set anything in stone he asked me a few questions and I Just told him how I chose to operate. That's when he got extremely rude with me and the conversation got slightly heated before being terminated. I don't make plans with assholes
  8. Fair question to ask... ? are you an imbecile ?
  9. I spoke with this person for about 3 mins on the phone and he got butt hurt I didn't want to bow down and change the way I do things. In response to that he came on here and attempted to tarnish my name when he doesn't even know or has he even ever met me. Is this what your website is about ?
  10. Sorry that you have been taken advantage of Sir, but I am a Southern Man of his word, I am not In the habit of going back on what I say.
  11. not sure how its timely this thread has been up for a few months, complaining about a phone call further more...
  12. You called with a Pompus I am better than you attitude, It's funny you had to come cry about it lol
  13. Well when you smell like backside of a horse and act like a prick you typically will not have a good time with me.
  14. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. I am only a reflection of whats presented to me, some people are just not a match regardless of circumstance.
  15. Are unable to understand the comparative correlation between the two ?
  16. It's not something always enforced but when I am in a city I am not familiar with it is something i rely on for my safety. I am white, clean upstanding masculine and professional. Try setting up a doctors appointment at any reputable practice without making a deposit and see how far you get..... Also Rember LEO's WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR MONEY AHEAD OF TIME , NOR WILL THEY SEND YOU ANY
  17. I have been held at gun point and taken advantage of many times in my youth. If you can't demonstrate enough trust in another human being to send them a few hundred dollars considering the situation that someone is being placed in meeting complete strangers then good day. You were a completely rude ,narcissistic and unbearable to me on the phone just because I told you how I operate, remember you called me just because I'm not desperate and run to meet every stranger that promises me something. Further more I spent over 1500 just going out on the town last night, if your so poor you can't take a chance of sending a couple hundred dollars to someone ahead of time maybe you should reconsider what your doing.
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