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Posts posted by bluestorm

  1. I'm not sure but I think this one operated under another name or was all over Backpage within the last year or so but I can't remember the name or find the thread. IF this is the same guy, I recall he operated in a pack and they were really bad news


    How sure are you that this is the same guy? And again, what exactly do you mean by "bad news"?

  2. I used to see him years ago before he went pro. He would come over every now and then and kick back for some fun :) Nice guy and legit tight strong hard body. I imagine his repertoire has only increased as he’s gone pro?


    Could you describe what his face looks like? It doesn't seem like he wants to share any face pics.

  3. I'm not sure but I think this one operated under another name or was all over Backpage within the last year or so but I can't remember the name or find the thread. IF this is the same guy, I recall he operated in a pack and they were really bad news


    What do you mean exactly by "bad news"? I'd really like to know for sure if this is the same guy you're talking about because I was really eager to reach out to this guy.

  4. I'm not sure but I think this one operated under another name or was all over Backpage within the last year or so but I can't remember the name or find the thread. IF this is the same guy, I recall he operated in a pack and they were really bad news


    Can anyone else confirm the validity of this?

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